Your CD collection looks shiny and costly How much did you pay for your bad Moto Guzi? And how much did you pay for your black leather jacket? Is it you or your parents in this income-tax bracket? With tickets to concerts and drinking at clubs Sometimes for music that you've never even heard of And how much did you pay for your rock n roll T-shirt That proves you were there That you heard them first? How do you afford your rock n roll lifestyle
あなたの CD コレクション見える光沢があり、高価などのくらい悪いモト Guzi に払いましたか。 どのくらいあなたの黒い革のジャケットの支払うか。 それはあなたかこの所得税ブラケットのご両親か コンサートや音楽、聞いたことがないといくら払いました、ロックン ロールの t シャツの時クラブで飲酒のチケット
You've done this before, haven't you.