You know how when you eat pizza and you get it all over your shirt you have to clean it. Well not any more with 'fuzz cleaning soapy stuff tm' the the luiquid that cleans your clothes and your heart. Just pour it on your t-shirt and add 2 eggs, 150 grams of flour, a whole lot of milk and some horse liver and SZAAMM!!! Your clothes are as clean as a baby's behind, which usually aren't that clean...
あなたはピザを食べると、あなたはそれをきれいにしなければならないあなたのシャツの上にそれを得る方法を知っています。あなたの服とあなたの心をきれいにする液体を '毛づくろいの石けんのもの'と言わせてください。ちょうどあなたのTシャツに注ぎ、卵2個、小麦粉150グラム、牛乳と馬の肝臓とSZAAMMをいっぱい!あなたの服は
This is a real translation party!