You have no other Gods before Me. 4 You do not make a carved image for yourself, or any likeness which [is] in the heavens above, or which [is] in the earth beneath, or which [is] in the waters under the earth. 5 You do not bow yourself to them, nor serve them: for I, your God YHWH, [am] a zealous God, charging iniquity of fathers on sons, on a third and on a fourth [generation] of those hating Me, 6 and doing kindness to thousands, of those loving Me and keeping My commands. 7 You do not take up the Name of your God YHWH for a vain thing, for YHWH does not acquit him who takes up His Name for a vain thing. 8 Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it; 9 six days you labor and have done all your work, 10 and the seventh day [is] a Sabbath to your God YHWH; you do not do any work, you, and your son, and your daughter, your manservant, and your handmaid, and your livestock, and your sojourner who is within your gates— 11 for [in] six days YHWH has made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that [is] in them, and rests in the seventh day; therefore YHWH has blessed the Sabbath day and sanctifies it. 12 Honor your father and your mother, so that your days are prolonged on the ground which your God YHWH is giving to you. 13 You do not murder. 14 You do not commit adultery. 15 You do not steal. 16 You do not answer [with] a false testimony against your neighbor. 17 You do not desire the house of your neighbor, you do not desire the wife of your neighbor, or his manservant, or his handmaid, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything which [is] your neighbor's.
私の前に他の神はいない。 4あなたは自分のために刻まれた像、または上の天にある、下の地にある、または地の下の水にあるような似顔絵を作らない。 5あなたは彼らに身をかがめたり、彼らに仕えたりしない。わたし、あなたの神、YHWHは、熱心な神であり、息子たち、あなた、
There is no other god before me. 4 You do not make carved statues for yourself, or caricatures like those in the heavens above, in the earth below, or in the water below the earth. 5 You do not bend over or serve them. I, your God, YHWH is an avid God,
私の前に他の神はいない。 4あなたは自分のために彫像を作ったり、上の天、下の地、または地の下の水にあるような似顔絵を作ったりしないでください。 5あなたは彼らを曲げたり奉仕したりしません。私、あなたの神、YHWHは熱心な神です、
There is no other god before me. 4 You do not make statues for yourself or caricatures like those in the heavens above, the earth below, or the water below the earth. 5 You do not bend or serve them. I, your god, YHWH is an avid god,
私の前に他の神はいない。 4あなたは自分のために彫像を作ったり、上の天、下の地、または地の下の水にあるような似顔絵を作ったりしないでください。 5あなたはそれらを曲げたり提供したりしません。私、あなたの神、YHWHは熱心な神です、
There is no other god before me. 4 You do not make statues for yourself or caricatures like those in the heavens above, the earth below, or the water below the earth. 5 You do not bend or provide them. I, your god, YHWH is an avid god,
私の前に他の神はいない。 4あなたは自分のために彫像を作ったり、上の天、下の地、または地の下の水にあるような似顔絵を作ったりしないでください。 5あなたはそれらを曲げたり提供したりしません。私、あなたの神、YHWHは熱心な神です、
There is no other god before me. 4 You do not make statues for yourself or caricatures like those in the heavens above, the earth below, or the water below the earth. 5 You do not bend or provide them. I, your god, YHWH is an avid god,
That's deep, man.