Whom it may concern, I've written to this organization on the subject of bigotry in the local ham radio community. It's my regret to inform the reader that I have found what I'm interpreting as further evidence that this behavior is enabled, if not fostered and nurtured. Before I write more, I'll share the following log entry: "04/12/18 16:06 LOCAL TIME KA0KMJ-R 'KILO ALPHA ZERO KISS MY JUNK REPEATER' ROBOTIC VOICE. PERSONAL INSULTS HURLED. JOHN CZECH MENTIONED BY NAME '[HE] IS A FAT ELVIS' BREAKS FORTH WALL. SAYS WHAT PROGRAM IS MAKING THE VOICE" This is clearly a targeted attack that leaves me with the question "what did Mr Czech do to deserve this?" If I may take a guess, his Facebook page contains the answer. On March 22, 2016, Mr Czech shared on his Facebook profile a video by "One American Network". Simple research on this organization shows that it is an extreme right wing propaganda media outlet. Whats more disturbing is that a basic inspection of their website shows a strong, well, racial bias. Subtle, but noticeable. What's even more shocking to me is that inspection of Mr. Czech's Facebook profile also shows this subtle racial undertone as well. Mr. Czech has also made his opinion clear about my self, namely that I'm a 'dead beat', made by way of the following comment, made March 24, 2018 during the Buffalo Ham Fest; "I didn't see your name on [M.A.R.A's] donation page." "We don't like dead beats in the hobby." This is NOT a complaint letter about one person. Rather my opinion on Mr. Czech that he is evidence of vitriolic behavior being, at a minimum, enabled. This is conduct that I DO NOT expect from my fellow hams. I don't care how long they have been in the hobby. My opinion on Mr Czech is that he shows the symptoms of P.T.S.D, a condition he is not actively treating and that this may be the source of the man's frankly abusive behavior. Digressing, this still does not change the fact that another statistical anomaly On, the seventh rule listed is what I've dubbed the "asking for it rule." It's clear to me that victim blaming is the policy endorsed by 'to-do's' in the hobby. This is simply not permissible should the hobby be brought forward into the future. Having blue hair and fingernail polish and being a rather 'happening young man', I can assure the reader it's only a matter of time before more people from my demographic start following me to Ham Radio related activities. I strongly recommend that a public statement and letters be sent out, reminding all that our social contract clearly states that abuse is not permissible. This will with out a doubt attract more to this hobby as younger faces start to get involved. These are things my demographics will be looking for, speaking purely as a socially conscientious millennial layperson.
各位、私書いているこの組織にローカル アマチュア無線のコミュニティの偏見の対象に。それは残念なことに私は何をこの動作を有効に、いない場合は育成して育て、さらなる証拠として解釈を見つけた読者に通知します。 次のログ エントリを共有します私は詳細を書く前に:「18/04/12 1
To everyone, this writing organization I am subject to prejudice of local amateur radio community. It unfortunately notifies the reader who found this interpretation as further evidence, nurturing and raising what I have enabled this behavior, if not. We will share the following log entries
To everyone, this writer, I will harm the local amateur radio community. Unfortunately, notify the reader who finds this interpretation as further evidence and train and raise what I enabled this behavior. We will share the following log entries
You've done this before, haven't you.