Translated Labs


What has been the best part of your co-op experience? Being able to improve my knowledge and skill of graphic design, and also gaining job experience when I am learning. It provides a new way of learning besides from just attending class every day. Is the type of work that you have been doing in your co-op placement something that you would like to continue in the future? Why or why not? Yes, the work is still very interesting, so I don’t get bored while working. I like the process of creating graphics, and I might explore a similar field, such as web design or video editing. What goals have you set for yourself during this work placement? To make sure that I am punctual when going to work. I found that this is extremely important since I am expected at 9 o clock, but I always leave early. Being late once in a while is okay, but it shouldn’t happen much. Also, making sure to ask questions whenever I am not sure if a design is okay since I’m working in such a new environment that I haven’t been in before. What has been the biggest challenge in taking cooperative education? The biggest challenge has to be getting to work on time because unlike school, it isn’t within a walking distance of my house. Making sure to get on the bus early to avoid any delays makes it much more difficult compared to going to school. Now that you have experienced working in your chosen field, where do you see yourself in FIVE years? Explain your answer. In five years, I think I will be studying something similar to graphic design for post-secondary education. I am also going to try to get a part-time job so I can get even more experience in the workplace, but also to broaden my work history. What courses, qualifications or experiences do you have to complete in order to reach your career goals? I have to complete Comm Tech next semester and next year since it will give me more experience with graphic design and some animation. After, I might study at a university to gain knowledge of more advanced design concepts and software. To help you reach your future goals, what sort of volunteer or work experience do you plan to gain in the upcoming year? Why will this experience help you reach your goals? Where will you go to get this experience? I plan to get a part-time job in the summer, to help me choose my career in the future. I will try to work at a different company, which will help me learn from different types of people. This will allow me to choose what I prefer to improve my graphic design skills. What has been your greatest accomplishment during your co-op placement/course? Being able to work in a professional environment, and being able to see how other professionals work, such as my supervisor. My co-workers have also greatly helped me learn so many new ‘tips and tricks’ about graphic design, which are quite necessary. How has your co-op experience changed you? Explain your answer. I feel that I have become more mature since I have worked in a professional environment. Since I know expectations that an employer may have, I won’t be as frightened in the future. Interviews, résumés and anything else that I need to get a job will be easier because you taught us how to properly prepare them. What is the most useful thing that you have learned in co-op? Why is it the most useful thing to you? It’s how you get a job, and the process starting from an application, having an interview and possibly starting work. It’s important because it will be much easier in the future when I get a job. Since I’ve already done, for example, the interview at the beginning of the placement, I won’t be as afraid in the future, so I will be more confident in myself. Make a list of your top six (6) goals, and how you plan to reach them. To improve my confidence in general, by voicing my opinion more actively while talking with others, and especially when I have done it before. Also, I want to become more social, since currently I only really talk to my close friends. I also know that leaving positive impressions is very important since I never know who I will be working with or for. Staying healthy and making sure that I follow my daily routines is a large goal since I want to avoid health problems which will make life harder. Making better habits will help me stay healthy and avoid health risks for a longer time. I want to be less dependent on my parents, so they will not be as busy and don't worry about me as much. I will tell them if I will be home late, or if I will be going out one day. I want to always put in my best effort into any of my work or activities, and I will stick to my schedule to make sure I spend enough time on work or exercise, for example. My final goal is to find a career path that I enjoy. Of course, I will be using my co-op experience to help me succeed in the future and find my career path.




What is the best part of your co-op experience? I can improve my knowledge and skills on graphic design and gain practical experience while I am learning. In addition to participating in everyday classes, we also offer new learning methods. In a cooperative




What is the best part of your co-op experience? You can improve your knowledge and skills on graphic design and gain practical experience while learning. In addition to participating in everyday classes, we also offer new learning methods. In a cooperative




What is the best part of your co-op experience? You will improve your knowledge and skills in graphic design and gain practical experience while learning. In addition to participating in everyday classes, we also offer new learning methods. In a cooperative




What is the best part of your co-op experience? You will improve the knowledge and skills of graphic design and gain practical experience while learning. In addition to participating in everyday classes, we also offer new learning methods. In a cooperative




What is the best part of your co-op experience? You will improve the knowledge and skills of graphic design and gain practical experience while learning. In addition to participating in everyday classes, we also offer new learning methods. In a cooperative

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