Well.. I.. I just... How do you say..? “Snapped”..? I just feel terrible, about everything... For Molten Freddy’s legs.. For being so.. ungrateful with you... And then, there’s my friend, over there..” He looks at the Security Puppet. “You know, when she was alive, she wasn’t feeling well at all.. Bullying, and all.. When the police found her corpse, I thought that she finally was at peace.. But no, she’s trapped, just like we all are... When I was alive.. Well, you know, I come from New Orleans. I’m an orphan, and well, the orphanage where I was living was terrible.. So, one day, with the only person that was actually caring about me, we decided to escape. And, after a year of living on the streets, we arrived here.. And here.. My dear friend over there found us. And she.. was so nice with us... She found us a place to sleep, she managed to make us enter the school, etc... And then, one day, the police found her, dead, in the back alley of “Fredbear Family Dinner”... So, we decided to investigate, with my other.. f-friend.. We went there at night, exploring the building.. And I saw the Security Puppet. But I also saw something else.. It was my friend, suffering, trapped in this animatronic... And someting grabed me. It was another puppet. I felt his claws into my skin, I felt my blood running down my sides.. And the monster took me away. It’s the last time I saw my two friends... I’ve suffered two days.. Two days in a dark room, bleeding, with this other monster, William Afton, watching me slowly dying... And one day I woke up, on a stage, at the entrance of the pizzeria. This day, I realized that I would never be at peace. I felt so... enraged.. I started attacking the staff, but they stopped me, and locked me in the safe room of another pizzeria, the one that will later become “Fazbear Fright”. And I stayed 40 years in this room... 40 years, all alone... My old body eventually started to decay, and a part of my soul managed to escape from his prison. And then, you found me... That’s my story...
まぁ。。 I.。 私はちょうど. どう思いますか。。。「スナップ」.. か。 私はちょうどすべてについて、ひどい感じる. 溶融のフレディの足. そうされて.あなたと恩知らず. あそこに私の友人がある」. セキュリティ人形に見えます。 "あなたが知っている、彼女が生きていたとき気分がよくなかったすべての. いじめとすべての. とき、ポル
Well.. I... I just... What do you think??? "Snap". Or not. I just about all the terrible feeling. Freddy fused legs. So... your and thankless... There is my friend ". Security doll looks. "You know, he
まぁ。。私。。。 ちょっと私。。。どう思いますか。。。「スナップ」。 かどうまたは。 私はちょうど約すべてのひどい感じ。 フレディは融合の足です。 踏絵、報われないと.私の友人がある」。 セキュリティ人形に見えます。"あなたが知っている彼
Well. . Me. . . Hey me. . . What do you think. . . "snap". Whether or. I just felt all terrible about. Freddie is a fusing leg. If you can not get paid, I have a friend of mine. " It looks like a security doll. "He knows you
まあ。 。私。 。 。ねえ、私。 。 。どう思いますか。 。 。 "スナップ"。かどうか。私はちょうどすべてについてひどいと感じました。フレディは融合レグです。お支払いができない場合は、私の友人がいます。 "それはセキュリティドールのように見える"彼はあなたを知っている
oh dear. . Me. . . Hey, me. . . What do you think. . . "snap". whether. I felt it was terrible for everything. Freddie is a fusion leg. If you can not make payment, I have a friend of mine. "It looks like a security doll" he
まあ。 。私。 。 。ねえ、私。 。 。どう思いますか。 。 。 "スナップ"。かどうか。私はすべてがひどいと感じました。フレディは融合脚です。お支払いができない場合は、私の友人がいます。 "それはセキュリティドールのように見える"彼は
oh dear. . Me. . . Hey, me. . . What do you think. . . "snap". whether. I felt everything was terrible. Freddie is a fusion leg. If you can not make payment, I have a friend of mine. "It looks like a security doll" He
まあ。 。私。 。 。ねえ、私。 。 。どう思いますか。 。 。 "スナップ"。かどうか。私はすべてがひどいと感じました。フレディは融合脚です。お支払いができない場合は、私の友人がいます。 "それはセキュリティドールのように見える"彼は
oh dear. . Me. . . Hey, me. . . What do you think. . . "snap". whether. I felt everything was terrible. Freddie is a fusion leg. If you can not make payment, I have a friend of mine. "It looks like a security doll" He
Yes! You've got it man! You've got it