We've had the early surrender option available for testing on OCE for a little bit now and are starting to get a decent amount of data to analyze as a result. More details about at thoughts there to follow at some point. So far it does look like one of the main trends is a similar surrender rate (in terms of proportion of games that end in a surrender) but with some of those surrenders now happening earlier. That's a hopeful sign all else being equal (the earlier option isn't causing more people to give up if so, but instead letting people get out of games they'd be leaving as a group anyway a bit earlier). Scuttle Crab and Honeyfruit
我々 はもう少し今の OCE のテストに使用できる初期降伏オプションを持っていたし、その結果を分析するデータのまともな量を得るために始めています。そこにいくつかの点において以下の考えの詳細については。主な傾向の 1 つは (、surren で終わるゲームの割合の面で同様の降伏率ようなところが見えます
You've done this before, haven't you.