Usually, when Tsubakura woke up, Yabusame would already be out of the futon, either preparing breakfast or simply relaxing with a cup of tea or coffee. Even when they were still in the futon, they'd be awake, telling Tsubakura how adorable they looked when they were asleep. So Tsubakura was excited when they woke up and found Yabusame still asleep. They pulled a sharpie out of their vest pocket. They hadn’t really put much thought into what they’d draw, but they eventually decided on writing out that hiragana face that they’d often see scribbled into notebooks when they were in school. They first traced out the outline of the face. Then, they drew on the eyebrows and eyes. Yabusame’s face twitched as Tsubakura was finishing the mouth, so they finished the nose quickly. They swiftly put the sharpie away as Yabusame opened their eyes. “What’s that smell?” Yabusame yawned and sniffed the air. “Are you having a snack Tsuba?” A convenient excuse has appeared. “Maybe. Speaking of, we should probably get some breakfast soon.” Tsubakura started to push themselves out of bed, holding back a chuckle at the thought of how Yabusame would react once they realized what’s on their face. “No, I wanna stay in bed with you longer~” Yabusame pulled Tsubakura back down and trapped them in an embrace. Guess I’ll have to wait for that reaction. Though they couldn’t really complain. At the most, they’d only be waiting another hour, and being hugged by Yabusame wasn’t a bad way to spend that time.
通常、ツバクラが目を覚ますと、ヤブサマはすでに布団から出て、朝食を準備するか、お茶やコーヒーを飲みながらリラックスします。布団に入っていても目が覚めて、眠っているときの愛らしい顔をツバクラに伝えた。 だから、ツバクラは、彼らが目を覚まし、まだヤブサマを見つけたとき興奮していました
Usually, when the swallow wakes up, Yabsama already comes out of the futon and prepares breakfast or relaxes with a cup of tea or coffee. Even in the futon, she woke up and told the swallow of her adorable face as she slept. So the swallows they woke up
通常、ツバメが目覚めると、すでに布団から出てきて朝食を用意したり、お茶やコーヒーを飲みながらリラックスしたりします。布団の中でも目が覚め、眠りながら愛らしい顔のツバメを言った。 だから、彼らが目を覚ましたツバメ
Usually, when swallows wake up, they already come out of the futon to prepare breakfast or relax with a cup of tea or coffee. He woke up in the futon and said a swallow with an adorable face as he slept. So they woke up swallows
通常、ツバメが目を覚ますと、すでに布団から出てきて朝食を準備したり、紅茶やコーヒーを飲みながらリラックスしたりします。彼は布団で目を覚まし、寝ている間に愛らしい顔をしたツバメを言った。 だから彼らはツバメを目覚めた
Usually, when swallows wake up, they already come out of their futons to prepare breakfast or relax with a cup of tea or coffee. He woke up on a futon and said a swallow with an adorable face while he slept. So they woke up swallows
通常、ツバメが目を覚ますと、すでに布団から出てきて朝食を準備したり、紅茶やコーヒーを飲みながらリラックスしたりします。彼は布団で目を覚まし、寝ている間に愛らしい顔をしたツバメを言った。 だから彼らはツバメを目覚めた
Usually, when swallows wake up, they already come out of their futons to prepare breakfast or relax with a cup of tea or coffee. He woke up on a futon and said a swallow with an adorable face while he slept. So they woke up swallows
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