This is an anthem for the homesick, the beaten, the lost the broke the defeated. A song for the heartsick, for the standbys, living life in the shadow of a goodbye. Do you remember when we learned how to fly? We'd play make believe, we were young and had time on our side. You're stuck on the ground. Got lost, can't be found. Just remember that you're still alive.
これは、ホームシック、暴行のための国歌、勃発敗北を失った。夜通し別れの影で生活、スタンバイのための歌.飛ぶことを学んだときを覚えていますか我々 は再生と信じて、我々 は、若い頃と時間を我々 の側にいた。地上で立ち往生しています。道に迷った、見つけることができません。だけを覚えて、'
Yes! You've got it man! You've got it