These complaints led to a declaration by the Foreign Office on Dec. 20 1915, that in future incoming press cablegrams would not be censored from a political point of view; the responsibility of publishing would be with the editors who knew that a prosecution against them, under the Defence of the Realm Act, might result from the publication of anything endangering the good relations between Great Britain and the Allies or the Neutrals.
これらの苦情は将来的に着信プレス電報だろう; ビューの政治的なポイントからも検閲されることで 1915 年 12 月 20 日、外務省による宣言につながった仰せ付けの文書から王国の行為の防衛の下でそれらに対して、検察があります知っていた編集者と出版の責任になります。
You've done this before, haven't you.