There was a world. There was a world and everything was normal. Everything made sense, it was all logical. Except for a little box. The little box of nonsense. The little box of nonsense was divided into a 3rd of 10. In the box were two swordsmen in combat. The two skilled swordsmen. The nonsensical swordsmen in the little box of nonsense. The swordsmen each wore a cross. One cross was red. The other was white. "On the ceiling, I stand, and you can no longer reach me." Said the swordsman with red. "But the floor is the ceiling, and the ceiling is the ceiling. On level ground, we stand." Said the one with white. Then the swordsmen became bakers. The bakers made cakes. The cakes were nonsensical. The nonsensical cakes in the little box of nonsense. The bakers went down to a field of strawberries. They danced in the field of strawberries. In the field of strawberries, they were happy. They were happy as they danced in the field of strawberries. It made no sense. Nothing made sense. Then bakers ate the strawberries. When the bakers ate the strawberries they became sick. The sweet strawberries were black inside. There was an eye that hung above them. The eye that came from the outside world. The eye that came from the normal world. The eye that made the strawberries black. Once again the bakers were swordsmen. But they were not the knights they once were. They became what the eye saw them as. And the eye didn't like nonsense. and the eye made them bad. Some people passed by. The little children in training passed by and said, "we have been taught to stay away from evil people." Then the teachers passed by and said, "we have taught our children to stay away from evil people." Next, the businessmen passed by and said, "we have taught the teachers to teach the children to stay away from bad people." Then the eye looked down on the two swordsmen and said, "I have taught the businessmen to teach the teachers to teach the children to stay away from bad people." The two were no longer swordsmen. The swordsmen who had fought. The swordsmen who had become bakers. The swordsmen who ate the strawberries that were black inside. And the swordsmen who could no longer fight. And so they had to study, go to school, pay the bills and make sense. It was quite sad. Remeber, its how weird you are the separates the unique, from the crazy. And sometimes it's nice to make no sense, to live a simple life.
世界があった。世界があり、すべてが正常だった。すべてが理にかなった、それはすべて論理的だった。小さな箱を除いて。ナンセンスの小さな箱。ナンセンスの小さな箱は10の3分の1に分けられました。ボックスには戦闘中に2人の剣士がいました。 2人の熟練した剣士。ナンセンスの小さな箱の無意味な剣士。スウォール
There was a world. There was a world, everything was normal. Everything came true, it was all logical. Except for small boxes. A small box of nonsense. The small box of nonsense was divided into one third of ten. There were two swordsmen in the box during battle. Two skill
世界があった。世界があった、すべて正常だった。すべてが成し遂げられた、それはすべて論理的だった。小さな箱を除いて。ナンセンスの小さな箱。ナンセンスの小さな箱は、10分の1の3分の1に分けられました。戦闘中に箱に2人の剣士がいた。 2つのスキル
There was a world. There was a world, everything was normal. Everything was accomplished, it was all logical. Except for small boxes. A small box of nonsense. Small boxes of nonsense were divided into 1/3 of 1/10. There were two swordsmen in the box during the battle. Two skills
世界があった。世界があった、すべて正常だった。すべてが達成された、それはすべて論理的だった。小さな箱を除いて。ナンセンスの小さな箱。ナンセンスの小さな箱は1/10の1/3に分けられました。戦闘中に箱に2人の剣士がいた。 2つのスキル
There was a world. There was a world, everything was normal. Everything was achieved, it was all logical. Except for small boxes. A small box of nonsense. Small boxes of nonsense were divided into 1/3 of 1/10. There were two swordsmen in the box during the battle. Two skills
世界があった。すべてが、通常、世界があった。すべてが達成されたすべての論理だった。小さなボックスを除きます。ナンセンスの小さなボックスです。ナンセンスの小箱は、1/10 の 1/3 に分けられました。戦闘中にボックスに 2 つの剣士があった。2 つのスキル
Had the world. All had normal, world. It was all the logic is all achieved. Except for the small box. It is a small box of nonsense. Small box of nonsense was divided into 1/10 No 1/3. During the battle in the box two swordsmen. 2.
世界があった。すべてが正常であった世界。すべてのロジックはすべての達成だったです。小さなボックスを除きます。ナンセンスの小さなボックスです。ナンセンスの小さなボックスは、No 1/3 1/10 に分かれていた。ボックス 2 剣士で戦闘。2。
Had the world. The world was normal at all. Every achievement was all the logic is. Except for the small box. It is a small box of nonsense. Small box of nonsense was divided into No 1 / 3 1 / 10. Box 2 in the Swordsman in combat. 2.
世界があった。世界はまったく正常であった。すべての成果は、ロジックがすべてだったです。小さなボックスを除きます。ナンセンスの小さなボックスです。ナンセンスの小さなボックスに分かれていた No 1/3 1 月 10 日。戦闘で剣士でボックス 2。2。
Had the world. World was normal at all. All the achievements were all logic is. Except for the small box. It is a small box of nonsense. No 1 / 3 1 / 10 was divided into a small box of nonsense. It's a box 2 Swordsman in combat. 2.
世界があった。世界はまったく正常であった。すべての成果は、すべてのロジックがあったです。小さなボックスを除きます。ナンセンスの小さなボックスです。いいえ 1/3 1/10 はナンセンスの小さなボックスに分けられました。戦闘でボックス 2 剣士です。2。
Had the world. World was normal at all. All the achievements had all of the logic is. Except for the small box. It is a small box of nonsense. No 1/3 1/10 was divided into a small box of nonsense. In the battle box 2 is a swordsman. 2.
世界があった。世界はまったく正常であった。すべての成果がすべてのロジックです。小さなボックスを除きます。ナンセンスの小さなボックスです。いいえ 1/3 1/10 はナンセンスの小さなボックスに分けられました。戦いでボックス 2 は剣士です。2。
Had the world. World was normal at all. All of the logic is all the achievements. Except for the small box. It is a small box of nonsense. No 1/3 1/10 was divided into a small box of nonsense. Box 2 is a swordsman in battle. 2.
世界があった。世界はまったく正常であった。すべてのロジックはすべての成果です。小さなボックスを除きます。ナンセンスの小さなボックスです。いいえ 1/3 1/10 はナンセンスの小さなボックスに分けられました。ボックス 2 は戦いの剣士です。2。
Had the world. World was normal at all. All of the logic is all the achievements. Except for the small box. It is a small box of nonsense. No 1/3 1/10 was divided into a small box of nonsense. Box 2 is a swordsman in battle. 2.
This is a real translation party!