Then we go around a juniper bush, juniper bush,, enebærbusk. Then we go around a juniper bush early one monday morning Then we do so when we wash our laundry, washing our laundry, washing our laundry. Then we do so when we wash our laundry, early one monday morning Then we go around a juniper bush, enebærbusk, juniper bush,. Then we go around a juniper bush early one Tuesday morning. Then we do so when we blame our clothes, blame our clothes, blame our clothes. Then we do so when we blame our clothes, early one Tuesday morning. Then we go around a juniper bush, juniper bush,, juniper bush,.
その後、私たちはブッシュ ジュニパー、ジュニパー ブッシュ、enebærbusk 回る。 月曜日早朝ジュニパー ブッシュ周り帰りましたし、我々 はそう私たち洗濯お洗濯を洗濯洗濯の洗い時。 ジュニパー ブッシュ、enebærbusk、ジュニパー ブッシュの周り行って、我々 は洗濯の月曜日早朝を洗うとき、我々 はこれを行います。 その後、w
After that, we turn Bush Juniper, Juniper Bush, enebærbusk. Monday morning came around the Juniper Bush, and we said our laundry washing, washing and washing time is. Go around the Juniper Bush, enebærbusk, Juniper Bush, us
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