The terms "Sauropsida" ("lizard faces") and "Theropsida" ("beast faces") were used again in 1916 by E.S. Goodrich to distinguish between lizards, birds, and their relatives on the one hand (Sauropsida) and mammals and their extinct relatives (Theropsida) on the other. Goodrich supported this division by the nature of the hearts and blood vessels in each group, and other features, such as the structure of the forebrain. According to Goodrich, both lineages evolved from an earlier stem group, Protosauria ("first lizards") in which he included some animals today considered reptile-like amphibians, as well as early reptiles.[13]
用語"Sauropsida"(「トカゲ顔」) と"Theropsida"(「獣顔」) によって使用された再度 1916 年に絶滅した親戚 (Theropsida) と哺乳類 (Sauropsida) 一方でトカゲ、鳥、彼らの親類と区別するために E.S. グッドリッチ他。グッドリッチは、心と血管の性質によってこの部門をサポート
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