The support cushion includes a body supporting layer, a plurality of thermoelectric elements positioned and configured to selectively provide heating or cooling of the body supporting layer, a heat transfer layer positioned adjacent to the body supporting portion and operably connected to the thermoelectric elements, a base layer positioned adjacent to the heat transfer layer opposite the body supporting layer and defining one or more inlet and outlet conduits, and one or more fans operably connected to each of the outlet conduits.
サポート クッションに体配置し、選択的に加熱を提供するために構成されている熱電変換素子の複数のレイヤーをサポートにはが含まれていますまたは支持層、熱転写層部分を支持体に隣接して配置され、operably 熱電素子に接続されているボディの冷却ベース層配置 adjacen
Yes! You've got it man! You've got it