The night of the prophecy --- Ithcreia sat up in their bed. "Subsovereign!" came the call of their servant from across the room. "Are you in need of assistance?" They sighed. They detested the idea of one of their own people waiting on them hand and foot. Not to mention, Miss Nebulin hardly gave them room to breathe sometimes. "No, thank you, miss. I simply can't sleep." They pulled on their slippers and briskly walked past her, muttering something about needing to go on a walk. --- Knock, knock, knock Kakrygo cracked open the door with a cup of tea in his hands. "Oh, Ithcreia. What do you want?" He asked, opening the door wider. "I can't shake it," they replied, out of breath. "I can't shake it. We need to go get Nadel. We need to be together." Kakrygo was silent for a moment. "Okay, let me grab my coat," he said, disappearing immediately after. Ithcreia fidgeted nervously from left to right foot. The air felt too still, like static electricity was building from their neck to the tip of their head. Thunder rumbled ominously in the distance. After what seemed like forever, Kakrygo emerged from his house clad in a black fur jacket. The two fae then made their way east. Nadel's house was in sight. Ithcreia felt sick. And then, it finally happened. The night sky erupted with a flash of lightning just a stone's throw away from Kakrygo and Ithcreia. The pile of tree branches in that spot was now alight with angry flames. Ithcreia choked, coughed, and finally vomited all over the ground before them. Kakrygo, easily being the more level-headed of the two, ran ahead to Nadel's house and forced open the door. He was gone. Everyone in his family was gone. Kakrygo double-checked every room before exiting and making his way back to the earth fae, who was kneeling on the ground. "Is he there?" They croaked. "Gone. Everyone in his family, gone. He said he was leaving, remember?" Ithcreia pulled themselves to their feet and took Kakrygo's hand.
予言の夜――イスクレイアはベッドで起き上がった。 「サブソブリン!」部屋の向こうから召使の呼び声がした。 「助けが必要ですか?」彼らはため息をつきました。彼らは、自分たちを手足で待っている同胞の一人という考えを嫌っていました。言うまでもなく、ミス・ネブリンは時々彼らに息をする余地をほとんど与えませんでした。 "いいえ、結構です、
On the night of the prophecy—Iskraia got up in bed. "Subsovereign!" a servant called from across the room. "Need help?" they sighed. They hated the idea of one of their compatriots waiting on their hands and feet. Needless to say
予言の夜、イスクライアはベッドで起きた。 「サブソブリン!」部屋の向こうから召使いが呼ばれた。 "助けが必要?"彼らはため息をつきました。彼らは、同胞の一人が手足で待っているという考えを嫌っていました。言うまでもなく
On the night of the prophecy, Iscraia woke up in bed. "Subsovereign!" called a servant from across the room. "Need help?" they sighed. They hated the idea of one of their compatriots waiting on a limb. not to mention
予言の夜、イスクライアはベッドで目を覚ました。 「サブソブリン!」部屋の向こうから使用人を呼んだ。 "助けが必要?"彼らはため息をつきました。彼らは、同胞の一人が手足を待っているという考えを嫌っていました。言うまでもなく
On the night of the prophecy, Iscraia awoke in bed. "Subsovereign!" called a servant across the room. "Need help?" they sighed. They hated the idea of one of their compatriots waiting for a limb. not to mention
予言の夜、イスクライアはベッドで目を覚ました。 「サブソブリン!」部屋の向こう側の使用人を呼んだ。 "助けが必要?"彼らはため息をつきました。彼らは、同胞の一人が手足を待っているという考えを嫌っていました。言うまでもなく
On the night of the prophecy, Iscraia awoke in bed. "Subsovereign!" called the servant across the room. "Need help?" they sighed. They hated the idea of one of their compatriots waiting for a limb. not to mention
予言の夜、イスクライアはベッドで目覚めた。 「サブソブリン!」部屋の向こう側の使用人を呼んだ。 "助けが必要?"彼らはため息をつきました。彼らは、同胞の一人が手足を待っているという考えを嫌っていました。言うまでもなく
On the night of the prophecy, Iscraia awoke in bed. "Subsovereign!" called the servant across the room. "Need help?" they sighed. They hated the idea of one of their compatriots waiting for a limb. not to mention
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