The Mariana Islands (/ˌmæriˈɑːnə/; also the Marianas; in Chamorro: Manislan Mariånas) are a crescent-shaped archipelago comprising the summits of fifteen longitudinally oriented, mostly dormant volcanic mountains in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, between the 12th and 21st parallels north and along the 145th meridian east. They lie south-southeast of Japan, west-southwest of Hawaii, north of New Guinea and east of the Philippines, demarcating the Philippine Sea's eastern limit. They are found in the northern part of the western Oceanic sub-region of Micronesia, and are politically divided into two jurisdictions of the United States: the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and, at the southern end of the chain, the territory of Guam. The islands were named after the influential Spanish queen Mariana of Austria following their colonization in the 17th century. The indigenous inhabitants are the Chamorro people. Archaeologists in 2013 reported findings which indicated that the people who first settled the Marianas arrived there after making what may have been at the time the longest uninterrupted ocean voyage in human history. They further reported findings which suggested that Tinian is likely to have been the first island in Oceania to have been settled by humans.[1] Spanish expeditions, beginning with one by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan in the early 16th century, were the first Europeans to arrive; eventually, Spain annexed and colonized the archipelago, establishing their capital on the largest island, Guam. The Marianas were the first islands Magellan encountered after traversing the Pacific from the southern tip of South America. The fruits found there helped save the survivors from scurvy, which had already killed dozens of crewmembers.
マリアナ諸島(/ˌmæriˈɑːnə/; マリアナ諸島、チャモロ語: Manislan Mariånas)は、北西太平洋の縦方向を向いた15の火山山の頂上からなる三日月形の群島で、北緯12度線と北緯145度線に沿っている。彼らは南ソウに横たわっています
The Mariana Islands (/ˌmæriˈɑːnə/; Mariana Islands, Chamorro: Manislan Mariånas) is a crescent-shaped archipelago consisting of the summits of 15 volcanic mountains facing the longitudinal direction of the northwest Pacific Ocean, along the 12th and 145th parallels north. They lie in the South Saw
マリアナ諸島 (/ˌmæriˈɑːnə/;マリアナ諸島、チャモロ:Manislan Mariånas)は、北西太平洋の縦方向に面した15の火山山の頂上からなる三日月形の群島で、北緯12度線と北緯145度線に沿っています。彼らはサウスソーに横たわっている
The Mariana Islands (/ˌmæriˈɑːnə/; Mariana Islands, Chamorro: Manislan Mariånas) is a crescent-shaped archipelago consisting of the summits of 15 volcanic mountains facing the longitudinal direction of the northwest Pacific Ocean, along the 12th and 145th parallels north. They are lying in Southsaw
マリアナ諸島 (/ˌmæriˈɑːnə/;マリアナ諸島、チャモロ:Manislan Mariånas)は、北西太平洋の縦方向に面した15の火山山の頂上からなる三日月形の群島で、北緯12度線と北緯145度線に沿っています。彼らはサウスソーに横たわっている
The Mariana Islands (/ˌmæriˈɑːnə/; Mariana Islands, Chamorro: Manislan Mariånas) is a crescent-shaped archipelago consisting of the summits of 15 volcanic mountains facing the longitudinal direction of the northwest Pacific Ocean, along the 12th and 145th parallels north. They are lying in Southsaw
Well done, yes, well done!