The location of January 2017 was a good start to break Ozeki's Turin Fuji suddenly on the first day. On the 2nd day Crane Ryuuza was defeated by mistake though the army was raised to Matsuyoshi once by right thrower. Although the left foot of Matsuyoshi Mountain first came out in this sumo wrestling, Tsuruyu was also dead at the same time, many opinion that recapitulation was appropriate, but the person himself said " There was a feeling that appeared. "
2017年 1 月の場所初日に大関のトリノ富士を突然休憩に良いスタートとなった。2 日目にクレーン Ryuuza だった間違えて敗北軍は、右の投げる人に一度「松芳に育てられたけれども。Tsuruyu も、同時に、多くの opi 死んででいたが「松芳山左足は最初、この相撲に出て、
Well done, yes, well done!