The latest installment in the X-Men franchise stirs the water of blasphemy by claiming Jesus was the original mutant—and that the Son of God is one in the same with other major religious figures. "I've been called many things over many lifetimes," says the titular character known as Apocalypse. "Ra, Krishna, Yahweh." The fictional story follows the omnipotent En Sabah Nur, later known as Apocalypse, who terrorizes the globe for centuries with his four horsemen. "You are all my children, and you're lost because you follow blind leaders, but I am here now. I'm here for you," Apocalypse says.
X-men フランチャイズの最新作は、水をかき混ぜると主張し、神への冒とくのイエスだった元の突然変異-神の御子は他の主要な宗教的な数字と同じであると。「呼ばれたんだいろいろ多くの寿命」黙示録として知られている名ばかりの文字を言います。「Ra、クリシュナ、ヤハウェ」架空の物語に続く t
You should move to Japan!