Translated Labs


The glittering full moon shines in the otherwise plain sky; it’s a silver sliver of hope in an unadorned sea of indigo. I take this as a sign to strengthen my faith in God and persevere through my illness. The lake reflects the scene conjured in the sky, but it isn’t nearly as beautiful as its muse. My ebbing life is mirrored in the reflection of the waning moon upon the waters. “How is it that the same situation can be perceived so differently from another perspective?” I wonder, when my trance is broken by my nurse’s calling. “Coming Mrs. Adams,” I reply, struggling to hide the pain in my voice. Tuberculosis isn’t a rare disease, yet somehow I feel handpicked to endure this hardship. “What is it?” I ask, in an effort to keep my composure. Tear stains navigate their way around her ivory skin, pulling at my heart. I haven’t known her for very long, but Mrs. Adams is the one who took care of me when consumption’s merciless claws left their murderous mark on me. “I’m glad you were enjoying the scenery outside, the moon tonight truly is one to remember,” she tells me, “The physician’s last visit here was a positive one, if my memory isn’t deceiving me” “Yes, Mrs. Adams you are correct. Now what is it, you’re worrying me,” I say, as sweat starts trickling down my neck. “He warned me that if your fever returned, you would have only two weeks left of life,” she explains, holding back the tears welling up in her eyes, “It saddens me deeply to be the one to announce your slow journey into the welcoming arms of death.” Time stops as I hear the nurse’s voice ringing in my ear time after time. Moments of pleasure and satisfaction play in my head as I attempt to comprehend the fact that I will never experience anything of the sort again. My heart shatters away, each piece in a corner of the earth, when I think of George. Treasured memories of our wedding day glide through my fingers, ignoring my desperate need to keep them evergreen. I suppress tears forming at the thought of leaving this world without a fitting goodbye, delving through the deepest depths of my mind for a solution, but one would not come. “Bath isn’t too far away from London, surely a messenger can find his way to London if he rides fast enough,” says the voice of a more methodical part of my head. “Fetch me a quill and some parchment please, Mrs. Adams,” I ask, not wanting to waste any more of my scarce time on earth. “Of course, Mrs. Monck,” she replies, sensing the urgency in my voice. “My dearest George,” I begin to write, “you have been the sole source of my earthly happiness. My sweet husband, to you is the first goodbye I send. I write to you as death woos me to his warm embrace, promising a safe escape from my worldly pains. Do not grieve my death, rather rejoice my departure, as I will die as I have lived. Your faithful wife, forevermore” I watch the ink dry and revel in the intricacies of my surroundings, as this might be my last chance to do so. With a final look, I fold the paper and press onto it the family wax seal. One lonesome tear slips down my cheek, as I accept my fate, and take death by the hand, ready to set sail on a journey to a land, far, far, away.


きらめく満月が、それまでは平凡な空に輝いています。それは藍の飾り気のない海の中の希望の銀のかけらです。わたしはこれを,神への信仰を強め,病気を忍耐強く治すしるしとして受け止めています。湖は空に浮かぶ光景を反映していますが、ミューズほど美しくはありません。 私の衰退する人生は反射鏡に映し出されている


The shimmering full moon shines in the ordinary sky until then. It is a silver piece of hope in the unadorned sea of indigo. I see this as a sign of strengthening my faith in God and patiently curing my illness. The lake reflects the spectacle of floating in the sky, but it is as beautiful as the muse.




Until then, the full moon shining in the ordinary sky. It is the silver piece of hope in the no-frills sea of indigo. I see this as a sign that strengthens faith in God and patiently cures our illnesses. The lake reflects the spectacle of floating in the sky, but is as beautiful as a muse.




Until then, a full moon shining in the ordinary sky. It is the silver piece of hope of the unadorned sea of indigo. I see this as a sign that strengthens faith in God and patiently cures the sick. The lake reflects the spectacle of floating in the sky, but is as beautiful as a muse.




Until then, a full moon shining in the ordinary sky. It is a silver piece of hope of the sea of unadorned indigo. I see this as a sign that strengthens faith in God and patiently heals the sick. The lake reflects the spectacle of floating in the sky, but is as beautiful as a muse.




Until then, a full moon shining in the ordinary sky. It is a silver piece of hope of the sea of unadorned indigo. I see this as a sign that strengthens faith in God and patiently heals the sick. The lake reflects the spectacle of floating in the sky, but is as beautiful as a muse.

Equilibrium found!

You should move to Japan!


11h ago
5h ago

You may want to crash these parties too
