The fourth volume, new hope. This is civil war time. From to spaceship the foundation of hideaway, won the first fictionalizing devil Milky Way empire. In the fight, rebels against the spies of army to try to achieve the final weapon, namely the star of death, an armored space station, had enough strength to destroy the entire Earth. , Syrian princess and her star ship, with the empire that pursues sit by this evil agent of together at home, the watcher who was kidnapped the plan can save her person, and restores to the freedom of galaxy.
第4巻、新しい希望。これは内戦時代です。隠れ家の基盤となる宇宙船から、最初の架空の悪魔の天の川帝国を獲得しました。戦いでは、最終的な武器、すなわち死の星、装甲宇宙ステーションを達成しようとする軍隊のスパイに対する反乱軍は、地球全体を破壊するのに十分な力を持っていた。 、シリア原則
You should move to Japan!