The FLSA sets a minimum wage of $7.25. According to a UNC Lawsuit, student athletes will spend an average of 40 hours a week opracticing. This means that student athletes have minimal time for a part-time job. The NCAA agrees, saying that “Athletic time commitments for student-athletes can be very high and there is little down-time, even in the off-season.” The University Visitors Network summarizes this, saying that “Being a student athlete is like having a full time job, plus school”.
FLSA は、7.25 ドルの最低賃金を設定します。UNC 訴訟によると学生アスリートは週 opracticing 40 時間の平均を過ごすでしょう。これは、学生アスリートがパートタイムの仕事のための最小限の時間であることを意味します。NCAA が同意する、という"学生運動選手のための運動時間の約束が非常に高いことができるし、でも少しダウン時間がある、
Come on, you can do better than that.