The dress code: ANYTHING BUT BLACK WEAR COLOR Odd but fitting I need a new dress for this, My mom tells me, I only have three dresses. None are suitable The mall isn’t different The start of fall means Muted brown Boring cream Dull red The only color in the artificial lights is the green with its bright red tag The green dress hangs limply from my shoulders A little too big And unwanted Not because of the outdated style But the necessity of the dress itself I will never be table to put it on again After today, The dress will not hang from me, but from the back of my closet There The green is surrounded by others reds and yellows and bright blues and pinks a rainbow a favorite color And the white flower I place on the only black in sight: The dark, polished box Big enough to know What lies inside But it will never be big enough
ドレスコード: 服装の色は黒以外なら何でもOK 奇妙だけどぴったり、このためには新しいドレスが必要、母が言うには、私はドレスを 3 着しか持っていないそうです。どれも似合わない ショッピングモールは変わらない 秋の始まりは、落ち着いた茶色 退屈なクリーム色 くすんだ赤 人工照明の中の唯一の色は、真っ赤なタグが付いた緑だけ 緑のドレスがだらりと垂れ下がっている
Dress code: Any color except black is ok Weird but perfect, I need a new dress for this, my mom says I only have 3 dresses. None of them suit me Shopping malls don't change The beginning of autumn is a muted brown Boring
ドレスコード: 黒以外の色は大丈夫です。奇妙ですが完璧です。これには新しいドレスが必要です。母は私がドレスを 3 着しか持っていないと言っています。どれも似合わない ショッピングモールは変わらない 秋の始まりは落ち着いた茶色 退屈
Dress code: Any color other than black is fine. Weird but perfect. You need a new dress for this. My mother says I only have three dresses. Nothing suits me Shopping malls don't change The beginning of autumn is a calm brown Boring
ドレスコード:黒以外の色であれば大丈夫です。奇妙ですが完璧です。これには新しいドレスが必要です。母は私がドレスを3着しか持っていないと言っています。何も似合わない ショッピングモールは変わらない 秋の始まりは落ち着いた茶色 退屈
Dress code: Any color other than black is fine. Weird but perfect. You need a new dress for this. My mother says I only have three dresses. Nothing suits me Shopping malls don't change The beginning of autumn is a calm brown Boring
That didn't even make that much sense in English.