the day is july 25th, 2023. all is quiet and a soft breeze is blowing on this beautiful summer day. tonight will be the night that EE dies. slowly getting up from his bed that morning, EE opened his window, embracing the soft sunbeams radiating on his skin. i might as well take some time for myself today, EE thought, as this is my last day on earth. he had been waiting for this day for a long time actually, not that he believed her threats at first. no, he thought all was a harmless joke before his.. occurrences. every time from 2019 on, on the 25th of july he would always have this vision of her. well some inhuman version of her. this blonde figure, you see, who he had always felt was in the back of his mind. now, more than ever, he felt her presence. she had been waiting for a very long time. a very long time. PBU is nothing more than a memory now, but the fire of her revenge rages on. taking in a deep breath, EE slowly sinks back into his seat. if only she had given him more time.
The day is July 25, 2023. Everything is quiet and soft summer winds like this beautiful summer day. EE will be the night to die tonight. That morning, as he slowly got out of bed, EE opened his window and accepted the soft sunlight that spreads on the skin. Today's
日は2023年7月25日です。すべてがこの美しい夏の日のように静かで柔らかい夏の風です。 EEは今夜死ぬ夜になるでしょう。その朝、彼がゆっくりとベッドから起き上がると、EEは窓を開けて肌に広がる柔らかな日差しを受け入れました。今日の
The day is July 25, 2023. Everything is quiet and soft summer wind like this beautiful summer day. EE will be the night to die tonight. That morning, as he slowly got out of bed, EE opened the window and accepted the soft sunlight that spreads on the skin. Today's
日は2023年7月25日です。すべてがこの美しい夏の日のように静かで柔らかい夏の風です。 EEは今夜死ぬ夜になるでしょう。その朝、彼がゆっくりとベッドから起き上がると、EEは窓を開けて肌に広がる柔らかな日差しを受け入れました。今日の
The day is July 25, 2023. Everything is quiet and soft summer wind like this beautiful summer day. EE will be the night to die tonight. That morning, as he slowly got out of bed, EE opened the window and accepted the soft sunlight that spreads on the skin. Today's
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