The Cold War was a period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, which lasted from 1947 to 1991, when the United States is trying to discourage the Soviet Union to spread communism. Neither party fired on the other hand, in order to avoid an all-out nuclear war. The Cold War brought a "decade of terror" in America and the rest of the world. Shortly after the Cold War, the Soviet Union collapsed, although many people today say that Vladimir Putin is trying to restore the Soviet Union. Many activities and events of the Cold War led to the "Decade of Fear" in the United States and other countries. One of the main reasons for this widespread fear was Senator Joseph McCarthy called. I quote "Decade of Fear" Sam Roberts ", but according to the local newspaper the next day, McCarthy threw a bomb," the State Department is infested with communists, "he said." I have here in my hand a list of 205-a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the Department of State. "He said that the senator, the US government has been infected with the Communists, without any real evidence. Still, many Americans went to the panic and began to suspect the family and friends to be a Communist. In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, and once again become a Russian. This happened for several reasons. One of the reasons was the collapse of the communist Russian partners. Another event that will lead to the disintegration of the Soviet Union broke the Berlin Wall. But the main reason for the collapse of the Soviet Union was the end of the Cold War. In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became Soviet leader. Gorbachev wanted to put an end to the tensions of the Cold War, and in 1987 signed an agreement with Ronald Raegan, eliminating an entire class of nuclear weapons. Vladimir Putin is the current president of Russia, and is already on the way to and from this position for many years. Many people believe that Putin is trying to restore the Soviet Union, and I agree with them. Russia has changed since Putin took control, and many of these changes resemble the Soviet Union. One of the most obvious change is the revival of some Soviet symbols, such as the emblem and anthem of the USSR. This is a quote from "Vladimir Putin: Restructuring of the" Soviet "Russia" provides even more similarities "Putin has managed to create a version of the country of his childhood, which may be the cat independently of each other in the world, and one which is under the control of dissent and the power of the Kremlin is undeniable . "I want to focus on the part where he says that the disagreement is controlled. In Soviet Russia, if it undermines the government, it will be sent to a concentration camp. Today, journalists are the only free press newspaper in Russia were "mysteriously" died. In conclusion, we note that the Cold War brought a "decade of terror" for Americans and forced the Soviet Union to collapse when it ended. Many people say that Vladimir Putin is trying to bring it back, something I agree with. Despite the fact that there were ups and downs in the past, Russia is one of the most powerful countries today.
The Cold War, the United States was the tension of the era between the followed was the Soviet Union from the United States and 1947 are trying to prevent the Soviet Union to spread communism to 1991. Either party may, in order to avoid all-out nuclear war, on the other hand has been fired. The Cold War, the remaining O as the "decade of terror" of the United States
The Cold War, the United States, might be trying to prevent the Soviet Union to spread communism to one of the party of the tense 1991 era between the Soviet Union that followed was from the United States and 1947, avoid all-out on the other hand in order, nuclear war, has been fired. Ten of the "fear of the Cold War
The Cold War, the United States, there is a possibility that you are trying to prevent the Soviet Union to spread communism to 1 of tense 1991's of the party between the Soviet Union following the were from the United States and 1947, other to all of you to avoid the out procedures, nuclear war, it has been fired. Te of "fear of the Cold War
冷戦、米国は、あなたがすべてに他の米国および1947年からのものであった以下のソビエト連邦との間の党の緊張1991年代の1に共産主義を広めるためにソ連を防止しようとしている可能性がありますもし、核戦争を行う手順を避けるために、それは、発射されました。冷戦の恐怖 "のテ
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