The Canadian territories began to be colonized at least 14,000 years ago by immigrants from northern Asia. The first Europeans to arrive on the island were the Norsemen from Greenland in 1000 AD. But they didn't stay long. It is possible that in the following centuries fishermen from northern Europe regularly arrived on the shores of Canada and established temporary settlements where they dried fish again, but this is not certain. On April 26, 1497, the Italian Giovanni Cabot (called "John Cabot" in English) arrived in the Newfoundland Islands in the service of the Queen of England and declared it a British territory. In 1534/1535 the French arrived in the Saint Lawrence River area and built their settlement. Explorers and settlers from Europe brought unknown diseases to the natives, which caused many deaths among them. The decline of the native population helped European settlers spread across the Americas. British and French colonies progressed slowly. In the Seven Years' War, France lost all the territories occupied by England. The islands of St remained on the French side. Pedro and Miquelon only. Britain decided to accept Quebec's unique French culture. They still speak French today and are generally Catholic, unlike English Canadians who are more Protestant. During the American War of Independence, Canadians remained on the side of England. Therefore, Canada remained under British rule and was called "English North America." In 1841, the various parts of Canada were united into the single colony of Canada. In 1867, the British Parliament passed an act creating the Canadian Confederation of the four provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Now Canada was an independent country under the rule of the King of England. The construction of the railroad connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the influx of immigrants from Europe strengthened the new state. New states were created under the current federation, which consists of 10 states and three territories. Canada supported Britain in both world wars. After the First World War, this country was considered the only signatory of the Treaty of Versailles along with Great Britain. In 1927 he sent the first ambassador to the United States. Full independence was achieved in 1982.
カナダ領土は、少なくとも 14,000 年前に北アジアからの移民によって植民地化され始めました。この島に最初に到着したヨーロッパ人は、西暦 1000 年にグリーンランドから来た北欧人でした。しかし、彼らは長くは留まらなかった。その後何世紀にもわたって、北ヨーロッパからの漁師たちが定期的にカナダの海岸に到着し、
The Canadian territory began to be colonized by immigrants from North Asia at least 14,000 years ago. The first Europeans to arrive on the island were Norsemen from Greenland in 1000 AD. But they didn't stay long. Over the centuries that followed,
カナダ領土は、少なくとも 14,000 年前に北アジアからの移民によって植民地化され始めました。この島に最初に到着したヨーロッパ人は、西暦 1000 年にグリーンランドから来た北欧人でした。しかし、彼らは長くは留まらなかった。その後何世紀にもわたって、
The Canadian territory began to be colonized by immigrants from North Asia at least 14,000 years ago. The first Europeans to arrive on the island were Norsemen from Greenland in 1000 AD. But they didn't stay long. Over the centuries that followed,
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