"That makes it sound like they are vampires or something.” “Maybe some of them are?” “What is this, a fantasy anime?” “Well, they are always hiding their true natures, so you wouldn't even know. Stories with the obvious vampires are called <nostalgic> these days.” “No one would ever call them by such a hard-to-pronounce English word.” “Well, I guess German words are much more prominent than English ones in Japanese vampire fiction.” “Isn't that also the case for English vampire fiction?” “Only by mistake. Abraham Van Helsing is Dutch.”
「それは、彼らが吸血鬼か何かされているように聞こえることができます。 ""たぶん、そのうちのいくつかはある?」「これ、ファンタジーアニメです何?」「あなたも知っているだろうので、まあ、彼らは常に、自分の本当の性質を隠しています。明らかな吸血鬼とのストーリーが呼び出されます<nostalgic>これらの日。 ""誰も、このような困難な発音の英語の単語によってそれらを呼び出すないだろう
Come on, you can do better than that.