sulu in a tutu, on a choo-choo, in the zoo, playing pew, going poo in the loo. his best friend's name is Chekov, nd Chekov is a cheese! he has a very bad accent, and his favourite thing to say is: "I like Russian bologna". and captain kirk is a toaster, and grumpy poo is a prune. and the last person we'd like to sing about today is: Worf's a moldy apple.
演奏席、トイレでうんちを行く choo choo、動物園で、上のチュチュでスル。彼の親友の名前はチェコフ、nd チェコフは、チーズ!彼は非常に悪いアクセント、彼の好きなことを言う:「ロシアのボローニャが好き」.カーク船長は、トースターと、不機嫌そうなうんちは、プルーン。について歌うたい最後の人今日は: ウォーフのカビの生えた
You've done this before, haven't you.