stuffing your face as usual. I gotta have a good meal Garfield you fat cat you are so big and fat why are you so fat I eat, Jon. it's what I do it's time to kick odie of the table dont do it garfielf, that's our pet dog odie you're going into orbit, you stupid mutt GAAAAARRRFIIIELD!!! time for a nap. I'm a cat who loves to snooze garfield you lazy cat I hate alram clocks I'm am hungry I want some lasaga you're eating us out of house and home, garmfield enough with The Chit Chat let's get some grub going GRUB TIME... where Are the 3-cheese pizzas I ate those food where Are the taco shells ? I ate those food where did all the hamburger helper go *brup* You're such a bad kitty that's it I've had it with you that does it I'm done that's the last straw grarfileld
あなたの顔をいつものように詰めます。 良い食事ガーフィールド猫あなたはとても大きなで脂肪を脂肪を持っていることを得たなぜ食べ、ジョンはとても太っています。それはキックするための時間と何テーブルのオディはそれを garfielf、私たちのペットの犬オディ軌道、愚かな mutt GAAAAARRRFIIIELD に行くつもりであるしないでください! お昼寝の時間。私はガーフィールドのスヌーズを愛する猫
That didn't even make that much sense in English.