Stuart-Robertson was born in Booligal and was the son of Robert John Stuart Robertson, a self-proclaimed doctor, and Catherine Eleanor JOYCE. Stuart-Robertson's birth date has been claimed as 10 Aug 1874, however the date of 16 Sep 1866 is evidenced by his official birth record. He was educated to elementary level at Bourke, where his family moved after his father's alleged death when Stuart-Robertson was 4 years old. Despite the rumour that Robert senior had died during the 1870s in Queensland, Robert senior died on 3 July 1899 at George Street Asylum, Parramatta, New South Wales.
スチュアート ・ ロバートソンは Booligal で生まれ、ロバート ・ ジョン ・ スチュアート ・ ロバートソン、自称医師、キャサリン ・ エレノア ・ ジョイスの息子だった。16 9 月 1866 日は彼の公式の出生記録によって立証されるしかし、スチュアート ・ ロバートソンの生年は 1874 年 8 月 10 日、として主張されています。バークは彼の家族が移動で初級を受けた
Stewart Robertson was born in Booligal, John Stuart Robertson, Robert was the son of the self-proclaimed doctor, Katherine Eleanor Joyce. 16 9 月 1866 日 is evidenced by his official birth records, however, Stewart Robert
Well done, yes, well done!