str_npc15_home_description_2|And here's the funny thing -- when the Rhodok lands first rebelled against the Swadians, they all said they weren't going to have any noble lords ruling over them. You can guess how long that lasted. One Rhodok hill chieftain sets himself up in Culmarr, calls himself 'Count', and the good burghers of Jelkala and Veluca have to lick his boots if they want to sell their wine and velvet outside Calradia. And if you want to keep the counts under control, and the peasants providing the towns with food rather than selling to the highest bidder, then you need a King too, don't you? The Rhodok lands are no different than anyone else, whatever guff they talk about 'ancient liberties' and 'freedom.'
str_npc15_home_description_2 |そして、面白いのは、ロドクの土地が最初にスワジニア人に反抗したとき、彼らはすべて、貴族の支配権を持たないと言いました。それがどれくらい長く続いたかを推測することができます。 1人のRhodokの丘の支配人がCulmarrに身を任せ、「Count」と呼んでいます。そしてJelkalaとVelucaの良い村人たち
You should move to Japan!