Scotland (Gaelic: Alba, Inglis: Scotland) is a kintra in nor-wast Europe, an is ane o the fower kintras that maks the Unitit Kinrick. It taks up the northren thrid o the Breetish island. Scotland haes til its sooth the laund o Ingland, an is bund bi the German Ocean til the eist an the Atlantic Ocean til the north an wast. It aforetyms wis a free kinrik, but than Scotland gaed intil a union wi Ingland in 1603, whan Jeams VI o Scotland becam Jeams I o Ingland eftir the daith o Elspeth I. This union wis makkit formal on 1 Mey 1707 bi the Treatie o Union. The Scots Pairlament wis gotten rid o on 26 Mairch. The union southert baith kinriks, makkin the Kinrick o Great Breetain, wi a new singil Pairlament haudden in Wastmeinster, Lunnon, but sum pairts o Scotland's institutions, merkit the laund's naitional kirk an skuilin an legal seistems, wis hauden apairt. In 1801, Scotland becam ane o the thrie launds o the Unitit Kinrick, alang wi Ingland an Ireland (nou juist Northren Ireland). Wales is nou seen for uisal as anither laund, awtho it wis juist a principalitie o the kinrik o Ingland in 1707. In 1997, the Scots fowk voted ti hae a new pairlament, estaiblisht bi the UK govrenment in the Scotland Act 1998. The nou devolv'd Scots Pairlament haes been gien the pouer ti govren the laund on maist Scots maiters, but haesna ower mukkil pouer wi taxes, awtho it dis hae the pouer ti chynge the UK incum tax rate bi 3p in the poond. Scotland's size is maistlie that estaiblisht bi the 1237 twato York atwein Scotland an Ingland an the 1266 Treatie o Perth atwein Scotland an Norawa. Exceptions is the Isle o Mann, that is nou a croun dependencie ootwi the Unitit Kinrick, Orkney an Shetland, that is nou Scots raither nor Dens, an Barwick, that wis defined as subjek til the laws o Ingland bi the 1746 Wales an Barwick Act. The patron saunt o Scotland is Saunt Andra, an St. Andra's Day is on 30 November but it haesna been mukkil celebratit syn the Reformation. The wird Scot wis taen frae the Laitin an its uiss micht weil date fae aboot the first hauf o the 10t yeirhunder, whan it first kyth'd in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle an harkent til the Laund o the Gaels, analogous til the Laitin Scotia. The ither name is "Caledonia", whilk is gien ti sum pairts o the New Warld an colonies, lyk New Caledonia. Scots keengs adoptit the teetil Basileus/Rex Scottorum (= Heich Keeng/Keeng o the Gaels, basileus meinin sovrein in the Greek, an rex meinin keeng in the Laitin) an Rex Scotiae (Keeng o Gael-Land) sum tym in the 11t yeirhunder, lyklie swee'd bi the styl Imperator Scottorum kent ti hae been uis'd bi Brian Bóruma in Ireland in 1005. In modren tyms the wird "Scot" is uis'd equalie for aw indwallers nae maiter wha thair forebeirs wis. This is acause the kintra his haed a ceivic raither nor a singil kin orientation for maist o the last thoosan yeir.
スコットランド (ゲール語: アルバ、イングリス: スコットランド) の kintra も -ヨーロッパ、なた、その mak Unitit Kinrick 姉 o フラワー kintras は。それの taks を北部第三 o Breetish 島。スコットランド標本そのなだめる laund o Ingland、ゴマ、ゴマ、eist ドイツ海外灘双は、北まで大西洋、なた。 それ aforetyms wis 無料
Scotland (Gaelic: Alba, Inglis: Scotland) kintra also-Europe, thy, the mak Unitit Kinrick sister o flower kintras. It taks for Northern No. 3 o Breetish island. Scottish specimen soothing laund o Ingland, Sesame, Sesame, eist Germany abroad Nada interactivity
スコットランド (ゲール語: アルバ、イングリス: スコットランド) kintra またヨーロッパ、汝、mak Unitit Kinrick 妹 o 花 kintras。それ北の第 3 o Breetish 島の taks。ごま、ごま、eist ドイツ海外灘インタラクティビティ laund o Ingland をなだめるようなスコットランドの標本
Scotland (Gaelic: Alba, Inglis: Scotland) kintra also Europe, thy, mak Unitit Kinrick sister o flowers kintras. It taks Breetish No. 3 o of the North Island. Sesame seed, sesame seed, eist Germany abroad Nada interactivity laund o Ingland soothing Scottish sample
スコットランド(ゲール語:Alba、Inglis:スコットランド)kintraまたヨーロッパ、あなた、マックUnitit Kinrick姉妹o花kintras。それは北島の3番院を飾る。ゴマの種子、ゴマの種、eistドイツの海外Nada interactivity laund oイングランドの癒しのスコットランドのサンプル
Scottish (Gaelic: Alba, Inglis: Scotland) kintra also Europe, you, Mack Unitit Kinrick sister o flower kintras. It decorates the 3rd inn in Kitajima. Sesame seeds, sesame seeds, eist Germany overseas Nada interactivity laund o England's healing Scotland sample
スコットランド(ゲール語:Alba、Inglis:スコットランド)kintraまたヨーロッパ、あなた、マックUnitit Kinrick姉妹o花kintras。北島の第3旅館を飾る。ゴマ、ゴマ、エイストドイツ海外Nada interactivity laund oイングランドの治癒スコットランドサンプル
Scottish (Gaelic: Alba, Inglis: Scotland) kintra also Europe, you, Mack Unitit Kinrick sister o flower kintras. Decorate the third inn in North Island. Sesame, Sesame, Eist Germany Overseas Nada interactivity laund o England's healing Scotland sample
スコットランド(ゲール語:Alba、Inglis:スコットランド)kintraまたヨーロッパ、あなた、マックUnitit Kinrick姉妹o花kintras。北島の3番目の宿を飾る。ゴマ、ゴマ、エイストドイツ海外ナダ対話ラウンドoイングランドの治癒スコットランドサンプル
Scottish (Gaelic: Alba, Inglis: Scotland) kintra also Europe, you, Mack Unitit Kinrick sister o flower kintras. Decorate the third inn in North Island. Sesame, Sesame, Eist Germany Overseas Nada Dialogue Round o England's Healing Scotland Sample
スコットランド(ゲール語:Alba、Inglis:スコットランド)kintraまたヨーロッパ、あなた、マックUnitit Kinrick姉妹o花kintras。北島の3番目の宿を飾る。ゴマ、ごま、エイストドイツ海外ナダ対話ラウンドoイングランドのヒーリングスコットランドサンプル
Scottish (Gaelic: Alba, Inglis: Scotland) kintra also Europe, you, Mack Unitit Kinrick sister o flower kintras. Decorate the third inn in North Island. Sesame, Sesame, Eist Germany Overseas Nada Dialogue Round o England's Healing Scotland Sample
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