public namespace Main(){ using Keyboard; using String; using System; public class Main{ static void Main{ public List<ushort> address = new List(); public List<short> binaries = new List(); private ushort Test1 = 0x0000; private ushort Test2 = 0x0000; public short addressCount; public short binaryCount; public bool getWriteable; public string formatTest = ""; public void addAddress(ushort Address){ /*Take endianness into account when programming in byte values. That shouldn't really effect you, but the purpose of this game is to give the user unlimited power. So it might. Also, my code editor wants me to repeat words after every period.period*/ address.Add(Address); } public void addBinary(ushort Binary){ /*Once again, you should always account for endianness. Also, never use those dumb comments that start with //. Use these comments. They can be as long or short as you want. That's why they're the best kind.*/ binaries.Add(Binary); } private bool callCount(){ foreach(item in this.address){this.addressCount++}; foreach(item in this.binaries){this.binaryCount++}; if(addressCount != binaryCount){ this.getWriteable = true; }else{ this.getWriteable = false; } return this.getWriteable; } private void write(){ if(this.callCount()){ using(var stream = new FileStream(hexhax.gba, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)){ ushort number = 1; foreach(item in addressCount){ if(number == 1){ stream.Position = Main.addresses[number]; stream.WriteByte(Main.binaries[number]); stream.Position = Main.addresses[number]; stream.WriteByte(Main.binaries[number]); number++; }else{ stream.Position = Main.addresses[number]; stream.WriteByte(Main.binaries[number]); number++; } } } } } } public class GBA{ #define SCREEN_WIDTH 240 #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 160 #define MEM_IO 0x04000000 #define MEM_PAL 0x05000000 #define MEM_VRAM 0x06000000 #define MEM_OAM 0x07000000 volatile char *ioram = (char *)0x04000000 volatile ushort *vram = (ushort *)0x06000000; #define REG_DISPLAY (*((volatile uint32 *)(MEM_IO))) #define REG_DISPLAY_VCOUNT (*((volatile uint32 *)(MEM_IO + 0x0006))) #define REG_KEY_INPUT (*((volatile uint32 *)(MEM_IO + 0x0130))) #define Key_A 0x0001; #define Key_B 0x0002; #define Key_Sel 0x0004; #define Key_Start 0x0008; #define Key_Right 0x0010; #define Key_Left 0x0020; #define Key_Up 0x0040; #define Key_Down 0x0080; #define Key_R 0x0100; #define Key_L 0x0200; static void Main(){ public ushort currentByte = 0x0000; public ushort currentAddress = 0x0000; if(Keyboard.keyIsPressed(Key_A)){ Main.addAddress(this.currentAddress); Main.addBinary(this.currentByte); } if(Keyboard.keyIsPressed(Key_Start)){ Main.write(); } if(Keyboard.keyIsPressed(Key_B)){ Main.addresses.RemoveAt(Main.addressCount); Main.binaries.RemoveAt(Main.binaryCount); } if(Keyboard.keyIsPressed(Key_Up)){ this.currentAddress++; } if(Keyboard.keyIsPressed(Key_Down)){ this.currentAddress--; } if(Keyboard.keyIsPressed(Key_Left)){ this.currentByte--; } if(Keyboard.keyIsPressed(Key_Right)){ this.currentByte++; } } } } }
パブリック名前空間 Main() {キーボードを使用して 文字列を使用してください。 システムを使用 パブリック クラス Main {静的な無効メイン {公共<ushort>アドレス = 新しい List(); パブリック リスト<short>バイナリ = 新しい List(); プライベート ushort Test1 = 0x0000; プライベート ushort Test2 = 0x0000;</short> </ushort>
Yes! You've got it man! You've got it