Please God, let me meet her. All I want to is to find that perfect girl I kno w exist s. She’s sweet and shy and my age and likes all the things I do, perhaps even is on this site itself. The girl who won’t secretly think I’m a loser, the girl I can cudd le with (even if only possible online) and spent nights talking to and laughing and sharing happiness. Some one who can reciprocate the love I put in, the girl who I can make feel safe and secure unconditionally and can fill this gaping, empty void in my heart.Please, just let me find this person. I’ll change everything abo /.ut me if that’s what it takes Please, I just can’t take the loneliness anymore.
神を喜ばせる、彼女にお会いしましょう。その完璧な女の子を見つけることですたい私自演 w s が存在します。彼女は甘いし、恥ずかしがり屋、私の年齢とこのサイト自体は私は多分、物事すべてが好き。私は敗者を密かに思うことはありません、女の子、少女出来るシャルと過ごした夜に話すと笑って (だけ場合でも可能な限りオンライン) cudd ル
This is a real translation party!