Translated Labs

You said:

Norman Osborn’s Dark Reign has begun — and the only people who stand in the way of his mad power grab are the very super-villains he trained! In the wake of the Thunderbolts’ help repelling the alien Skrull invasion, Osborn was promoted to head the

into Japanese

ノーマン ・ オズボーンの暗い治世が始まった — 彼の狂牛病電力のグラブの邪魔だけの人、彼は訓練した非常に超悪役!サンダーボルツをきっかけにスクラルのエイリアンを撃退する助けオズボーンに昇格した頭、

Back into English

Dark reign of Norman Osborn has begun — just the way he's mad power grab, he trained very Super Villain! head elevated to repel the alien skrull Thunderbolts helped Osborne