Non scholae sed vitae discimus - We learn not for school, but for life. With over 1,200 students attending our three schools, we take great pride in welcoming you to Emerson: Home of the Cavos! Steeped in a long tradition of academic excellence, student-centered learning and community spirit, we believe in the potential of our students, the ability of our teachers, and the support of our parent community.
岐阜大学非 sed ヴィタエ discimus - 我々 を学ぶ学校はなく、生活のため。 エマーソンをお迎えするに大きな誇りを持って私たちの 3 つの学校に通う以上 1,200 人の学生で: Cavos の家!学術の卓越性、生徒中心の教育、コミュニティの精神の長い伝統が染み込んで、アビリット、生徒の可能性を信じる
That didn't even make that much sense in English.