No matter what kind of cliched game it is, I'll play until the end But I won't be satisfied with a scenario by a third-rate writer GOOD BYE, tainted clothes are no longer to be worn I simply wanted a way to kill time 'In languor dreams of death' ... who was the one that said it? The world is a bird cage, faded in colour Even if I lament, I can't get out of this prison BUT NOW, DARKNESS MY SORROW I have not yet fallen apart So, as I laugh off this imposed inconvenience Let's overturn even the heavens and the earth (GRAVITY) Within the darkness, a shadow of a hat lightly dances Even if I get tired of the night and tear off my shackles That eye who sees eye to eye with Kierkegaard is also here WOW OH [The best view worth more than a ten-billion masterpiece...] Let's stop messing around already Why, of all people... is the KEY CASE in that person's hand? In the moment we clashed, the one in control is me I will manipulate even the weight of this cut-short life LONELY DARKNESS MY SORROW, once it is opened by the key I'd rather just fall than go back to being alone Staring at the destroyed cage of this self, (GRAVITY) Slowly, I sing, "Not bad at all." Even though it feels like I might be trapped, there is no room for sentiments I'll push myself to the limit and dye everything jet-black The world is a bird cage, faded in colour Even if I lament, I can't get out of this prison BUT NOW, DARKNESS MY SORROW I have not yet fallen apart So, as I laugh off this imposed inconvenience Let's overturn even the heavens and the earth (GRAVITY) Within the darkness, a shadow of a hat lightly dances.
どんな決まり文句のゲームであっても、最後までプレイしますが、サードレートライターGOOD BYEのシナリオには満足できません。汚れた服はもう着られません。時間を殺す「死のだるい夢の中で」...誰がそれを言ったのですか?世界は色あせた鳥かごですたとえ嘆いたとしても
I will play to the end of any clever game, but I am not satisfied with the scenario of the third-rate writer GOOD BYE. Dirty clothes can no longer be worn. Killing time "in the dreams of death" ... who said it? The world is a faded birdcage
私は巧妙なゲームの最後までプレイしますが、三流作家GOOD BYEのシナリオには満足していません。汚れた服はもう着用できません。 「死の夢の中で」暇つぶし...誰が言った?世界は色あせた鳥かごです
I play until the end of a clever game, but I'm not happy with the scenario of third-class writer GOOD BYE. You can't wear dirty clothes anymore. In the dream of death, killing time... Who said that? The world is a faded bird cage.
私は巧妙なゲームの終わりまでプレイしますが、サードクラスの作家GOOD BYEのシナリオには満足していません。もう汚れた服を着ることはできません。死の夢の中で、時間をつぶす…誰が言ったの?世界は色あせた鳥かごです。
I play until the end of the clever game, but I am not happy with the scenario of the third-class writer GOOD BYE. You can no longer wear dirty clothes. In the dream of death, kill time ... Who said? The world is a faded birdcage.
私は巧妙なゲームが終わるまでプレイしますが、サードクラスの作家GOOD BYEのシナリオには満足していません。汚れた服を着ることはできなくなりました。死の夢の中で、時間をつぶす...誰が言ったの?世界は色あせた鳥かごです。
I play until the end of the clever game, but I'm not happy with the scenario of the third-class writer GOOD BYE. You can no longer wear dirty clothes. In the dream of death, kill time ... Who said? The world is a faded birdcage.
私は巧妙なゲームが終わるまでプレイしますが、サードクラスの作家GOOD BYEのシナリオには満足していません。汚れた服を着ることはできなくなりました。死の夢の中で、時間をつぶす...誰が言ったの?世界は色あせた鳥かごです。
I play until the end of the clever game, but I'm not happy with the scenario of the third-class writer GOOD BYE. You can no longer wear dirty clothes. In the dream of death, kill time ... Who said? The world is a faded birdcage.
That didn't even make that much sense in English.