Montrose was finally defeated at the battle of Carbisdale on April the 27th 1650. It was the start of one of the most tragic passages of Scottish history. Having stumbled upon Ardvreck Castle 2 days after the battle then owned by Neil Mcleod of Assynt, and assuming he was relatively safe where he was, he rested. When he awoke he was taken up stairs and immediately arrested by Major General Holbourn. All Montrose said when taken away was "Sir, I do as you bid", and he knew what fate awaited him. This is real courage.
モントローズは 1650 年 4 月 27 日に Carbisdale の戦いで最終的に敗北しました。スコットランドの歴史の最も悲劇的な通路の 1 つの開始だった。アードレック城 2 につまずいたこと戦いの後の日は、Assynt のニール ・ マクロードが所有して、彼は、彼は比較的安全だったと仮定して、彼を休ませた。階段を上って行かれた彼が目を覚まし
You should move to Japan!