Men are just brain bags. So any choice that comes from within them is just an instinct: a sputter on a chain reaction, no more noble than the sway of a reed shaken by the wind. You said you'd jump in front of a trolley to save people. That makes you a Christ of our time. But if that thought comes from within your brain, from your instincts, you're no Christ; you're a lemming born to die. I believe in free will. In choices born of a spirit made up of bonds with others. In the ability of all men to know, to rise, to sacrifice for their species. We're both brain bags, you and I. You a peon, I a prophet. And the only thing separating a peon fron a prophet is a choice. So tell me, Abraham: are you proud of what you've chosen?
男性は、ちょうど脳袋です。それらの内から出てくる選択肢はただ本能: 風に揺れる葦の動揺よりもこれ以上高貴な連鎖反応でスパッタ。あなたは人々 を救うためのトロリーの前でジャンプするだろうと述べた。それは私達の時間のキリストをなります。その考えは、あなたの脳内から来る場合、あなたはあなたの本能から
That's deep, man.