McDonald's is the place to rock It is a restaurant where they buy food to eat It is a good place to listen to the music People flock here to get down to the rock music Rock n Roll McDonald's Rock n Roll McDonald's Rock n Roll McDonald's Rock n Roll McDonald's McDonald's will make you fat They serve Big Macs They serve Quarter-Pounders They will put pounds on you Rock n Roll McDonald's Rock n Roll McDonald's Rock n Roll McDonald's Rock n Roll McDonald's McDonald's hamburgers are the worst They are worse than Burger King A Big Mac has twenty-six grams of fat A Quarter-Pounder has twenty-eight grams of fat Rock n Roll McDonald's Rock n Roll McDonald's Rock n Roll McDonald's Rock n Roll McDonald's Rock on London Rock on Chicago Wheaties, breakfast of champions
マクドナルドのある場所でそれは彼らが食べるために食糧を購入するレストラン岩、取得する人がここに集まってくる音楽に耳を傾ける良い場所だ n ロール マクドナルド ロックン ロール マクドナルド マクドナルドになる脂肪大きな Mac 彼らサーブ古川彼らに仕える音楽ロックン ロール マクドナルド岩ロックン ロール マクドナルドの岩の下に置く
You should move to Japan!