LG announced the V20 in September 2016, as a successor to the 2015 LG V10. The V20 is the first smartphone to run Android 7.0 Nougat out of the box. It comes with a 5.7" QHD IPS LCD, and retains the secondary display above the main screen, as was seen on the V10. This is used to display shortcuts, notifications and other gimmicks. It's powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chipset, which comprises of a quad-core 2.16GHz Kryo CPU and Adreno 530 GPU, along with 4GB of RAM. Internal storage comes in either 32GB or 64GB, with a microSD expansion slot capable of up to 256GB. On the rear sits a dual-camera setup, consisting of a 16MP sensor with an f/1.8 aperture and OIS, plus a wide angle 8MP sensor with aperture of f/2.8. The selfie camera consists of a 5MP sensor with wide-angle f/1.9 aperture. Video recording has been improved with Qualcomm's Steady Record, which utilizes the phone's gyroscope to minimize shaking. The phone also features a 32-bit quad DAC setup, which should provide improved audio and please audiophiles. The LG V20 runs on a 3200mAh removable battery, with Quick Charge 3.0 support and USB 3.0 Type-C port.
Lg 電子は、LG V10 2015 年までの後継者として、2016 年 9 月に V20 を発表しました。V20 は、箱から出して Android 7.0 ヌガーを実行する最初のスマート フォンです。それは 5.7「QHD IPS 液晶、が付属し、、V10 に見られた、メイン画面上のセカンダリ ディスプレイを保持します。ショートカット、通知、他の仕掛けを表示する使用されます。搭載、
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