Last night I drove to Harper's Ferry and I thought about you There were signs on the road that warned me of stop signs The speed limit kept decreasing by ten As we entered a town about halfway there It was almost raining at the train station We put our hoods on our heads at the train station We threw rocks into the river The river underneath the train tracks And when the train came it was so big and powerful When it came into the little station I wanted to put my arms around it But the conductor looked at me funny So we had to say goodbye and leave The monopoly board still in the backseat Took that nightmare left turn to get out of town Ran into the decreasing speed limits again What should I do? Eat breakfast What should I do? Eat lunch What should I do? Eat dinner What should I do? Go to bed Where can I go? Go to the store Where can I go? Apply for jobs Where can I go? Go to a friend's Where can I go? Go to bed
昨夜、私はハーパーズフェリーに車で行きました、そして私はあなたのことを考えました 道路には一時停止の標識を警告する標識がありました 制限速度は10ずつ下がり続けました 半分ほどの町に入ると 駅は雨が降りそうだった 駅で頭にフードをかぶった 川に石を投げた trの下の川
Last night I drove to Harpers Ferry and I thought of you There were signs on the road warning of stop signs The speed limit kept going down by 10 When you enter about half the town, It was going to rain at the station Hooded on the head at the station On the river
昨夜、私はハーパーズフェリーに車で行きました、そして私はあなたのことを考えました 道路には一時停止の標識を警告する標識がありました 制限速度は10まで下がり続けました 町の半分くらいに入ると、 駅で雨が降る予定だった 駅で頭にフードをかぶった 川の上
Last night I drove to Harpers Ferry and I thought of you There were signs on the road warning of stop signs The speed limit kept dropping to 10 About halfway into town, It was going to rain at the station Hooded on the head at the station
昨夜、私はハーパーズフェリーに車で行きました、そして私はあなたのことを考えました 道路には一時停止の標識を警告する標識がありました 制限速度は10に下がり続けました 町のほぼ半分、 駅で雨が降る予定だった 駅で頭にフードをかぶった
Last night I drove to Harpers Ferry and I thought of you There were signs on the road warning of stop signs The speed limit kept dropping to 10 Almost half of the town, It was going to rain at the station Hooded on the head at the station
昨夜、私はハーパーズフェリーに車で行きました、そして私はあなたのことを考えました 道路には一時停止の標識を警告する標識がありました 制限速度は10に下がり続けました 町のほぼ半分、 駅で雨が降る予定だった 駅で頭にフードをかぶった
Last night I drove to Harpers Ferry and I thought of you There were signs on the road warning of stop signs The speed limit kept dropping to 10 Almost half of the town, It was going to rain at the station Hooded on the head at the station
That didn't even make that much sense in English.