JoJo's Bizarre Adventure volumes 12 to 28. In 1989, Jotaro Kujo, a Japanese high school student, places himself in jail because he believes he is possessed by an evil spirit. His mother Holly calls on her father Joseph Joestar to talk sense into Jotaro, and with the help of his ally the Egyptian fortune teller Mohammed Avdol, reveals that Jotaro has in fact developed a supernatural ability known as a Stand that has run through the family due to the revival of their ancestor's foe Dio. After thwarting an assassination attempt by transfer student Noriaki Kakyoin who is under Dio's thrall, Jotaro and Joseph discover that Holly is dying from her own Stand. Jotaro resolves to hunt down Dio, and Joseph leads him, Avdol, and Kakyoin to Egypt, using their Stands to battle more Stand-wielding assassins along the way, gaining allies in the French swordsman Jean Pierre Polnareff who wishes to avenge the death of his sister, and the stray dog Iggy, before 50 days elapse and Holly dies.
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険ボリューム 12 に 28。1989 年、承太郎、日本の高校生、場所自身刑務所で彼は彼は悪霊に取り付かれていると考えているので。ホリーは彼女、彼の母父ジョセフ ・ ジョースター、空条承太郎に意味の話を彼の同盟国の助けを借りてエジプト占いモハメド ・ アヴドゥルが明らかにその承 ha
Jojo's bizarre adventure volumes 12 to 28. Since 1989, jotaro, Japan high school students, place themselves in prison he he demon-obsessed. Holly, her mother father Joseph joestar and jotaro to talk sense with the help of his allies Egypt
That's deep, man.