Jim just got home from a long seven hours of school. The entire day, he had been on the edge of his seat, anticipating his cousin’s birthday party. His cousin was very excited to see him. Jim was also very excited to see his cousin, but it turned out he couldn’t go. Many days, Jim has had to stay home and do hours of homework, while missing out on family activities. Jim, and many other kids are wasting priceless time doing busywork, after an entire day of learning. And it doesn’t even improve their grades. Homework should not be given to students because it takes up family time and does not improve academic performance.
ジムから帰宅長い学校の 7 時間。全体の 1 日は彼の席の端に彼あった彼のいとこの誕生日パーティーを期待しています。彼のいとこは彼に非常に興奮していた。ジムは彼のいとこを見て興奮しても、それは彼が行くことができなかったが判明します。多くの日、ジム家に滞在して、行方不明中の宿題の時間が
This is a real translation party!