Its that elm shade Red roads clay you grew up on That plowed up ground That your dad Damned his luck on That post game party field You circled up on And when it rains You get stuck on Drift a cloud back Behind county roads That you run up The mud on her jeans that she peeled off And hung up Her blue eyed Summer time smile Looks so good that it hurts Makes you wanna build A 10 percent down White picket fence house on this dirt
そのエルム日陰あなたは、あなたのお父さんを囲んだ記事ゲーム パーティー] フィールドに彼の運ののろわれた、後ろに彼女をむいて笑顔青い目をした夏の時間を切った彼女のジーンズに泥を実行する郡道雲ドリフトが止まってしまう雨が降るときを耕した地面に育った赤道路粘土よさそうだそれが傷つけること
You've done this before, haven't you.