It’s safe to say that no one is perfect, but we can all agree that some people act a little bit differently than others. For example, my brother is one of those individuals who, after a decade of living with me, is starting to annoy me almost every single time I see him. He is horrible and irritating in arguments, and is overly defensive of all of his belongings, First off, my brother is annoying in arguments. He is annoying for a couple of reasons, like he has bad reasoning, and often does not listen to the other person’s argument. For example, One time I wanted to play a game on his computer and he instantly said “No.” I asked him why, and at first, the only reason he could come up with was “I don’t want you to.” He said it over and over again, while I said there wasn’t a reason I shouldn’t. He eventually came up with another reason, but it was only a “Maybe,” He wasn’t nice about it, though. He was really aggressive and impolite. You should always listen to what people have to say and hear them out, instead of interrupting them and not letting them talk. That is why that particular situation was annoying and frustrating. In another situation, my other brothers and I were politely arguing with him about how vegans are just vegetarians who also don’t eat other animal products. He immediately got really angry and said that they were not, without providing any reasoning that we did not explain. We tried to tell him he wasn’t actually making a valid argument, but he would not listen to us. You always need to stay polite in an argument, because that is how you should act. He did not do that and was yelling and screaming at us, and it was annoying and impolite. In conclusion, you always need to listen to the other people in an argument because only one of you is right. If you do not, people will get frustrated with you, and get bad opinions of you. I wish my brother would be more polite. My brother is always overly defensive of all of his belongings and himself. For example, the other day, I was bored, so I just touched something random of his things at our table. He saw me, and then took the head off of one of my newly built, 8-bag Lego set. Nothing too bad, easily repairable. I put it on, but he took it off again, this kept going on until I decided to ward him off by lightly attacking him. Then, he took offense and dug his sharp nails into my hand. It didn’t hurt, but he completely shredded up my hands and it looks like a wound from a dog. In a way, it was. When people are doing something you do not like, you should tell them to stop, and give them time to stop. If they do not, you can tell someone, but ripping up someone’s hand is not the right thing to do. Other times, I have told him things that annoy me and I think he should stop. Every single time, he doesn’t agree that he does those things and doesn’t listen to me. You don’t need to listen to people if they are saying bad things about you in a rude way, but you should listen to them about how they think you could get better. In conclusion, you should be defensive of your things, but you shouldn’t attack people and yell when someone is doing something you do not like. Reasons why I get annoyed around you include that you are obnoxious in arguments, and you are overly defensive of your belongings. Everyone does things that other people don’t like, and they think those other people just are being mean to them, but they’re not. They’re really just trying to help you get better at some things. That is why we should all get feedback about what we do, and how we could do it differently. It really would make me happier around you if you did listen to what I was saying, and try to improve at those things.
完璧な人はいないと言っても過言ではありません。たとえば、私の兄弟は、私と一緒に暮らして 10 年が経った後、私が彼に会うたびに私を悩ませ始めている人物の 1 人です。彼は口論が恐ろしくイライラするし、あらゆることに対して過度に防御的だ。
It's safe to say that no one is perfect. For example, my brother is one of those people who, after 10 years of living with me, is starting to haunt me every time I see him. He gets terribly annoyed with arguments and is overly defensive about everything.
誰も完璧ではないと言っても過言ではありません。たとえば、私の兄は、私と一緒に暮らして 10 年になると、会うたびに私を悩ませ始めている人の 1 人です。彼は議論にひどくイライラし、すべてについて過度に防御的です.
It's safe to say that no one is perfect. For example, my brother is one of those people who, after 10 years of living with me, starts to annoy me every time I see him. He gets very annoyed with arguments and is overly defensive about everything.
It's safe to say that no one is perfect. For example, my brother is one of those who, after living with me for 10 years, begins to annoy me every time I see him. is.
It's safe to say that no one is perfect. For example, my brother is one of those who, after living with me for 10 years, begins to annoy me every time I see him.
It's safe to say that no one is perfect. For example, my brother is one of those people who, after living with me for 10 years, starts annoying me every time I see him.
It's safe to say that no one is perfect. For example, my brother is one of those people who, after living with me for 10 years, starts annoying me every time I see him.
You should move to Japan!