In 1956, Herb Simon... predicted that within ten years computers would beat the world chess champion, compose "aesthetically satisfying" original music, and prove new mathematical theorems. It took forty years, not ten, but all these goals were achieved—and within a few years of each other! The music composed by David Cope's programs cannot be distinguished... from that composed by Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach. In 1976, a computer was used in the proof of the long-unsolved "four color problem."
1956 年、ハーブ サイモン... 10 年以内にコンピューターがチェスの世界チャンピオンを打つことを予測、「審美的に満足」のオリジナル音楽を作曲、新しい数学の定理を証明します。40、10 年かかったが、これらすべての目標が達成された- と互いの数年以内!デビッド ・ コープのプログラムによって作曲・ ディ ・をすることはできません。
Okay, I get it, you like Translation Party.