If you’ve ever gone to the doctor, or gone to a school, or enrolled a child into a school, or done pretty much anything, you’ve probably heard of vaccines. Vaccines are amazing inventions that have been around since 1796. Vaccines were created to help prevent deadly diseases such as measles, tetanus, and hepatitis B, Along with many others. Vaccines have been around for over two hundred years, and have proved very effective, but in the last few years, a new “anti-vaccine” trend has started, that has caused thousands of deaths and many more suffering from preventable diseases. I'm going to tell you about some reasons to vaccinate, and how great vaccines are. First off, Vaccines were invented to prevent diseases, not cause them. The way that vaccines work is that they expose the patient to a miniscule amount of the disease, a small enough amount so that they don’t get infected by it, and slightly larger samples of it over time. This helps the patients immune system to know how to fight the disease, in larger and larger quantities. After enough vaccines of the disease, the patient can be almost completely immune to the disease, if they were to ever get it. Reducing deadly diseases to minor colds. Because of the amount of time it takes to give a patient multiple vaccines, they are often given to young children and babies. This helps furthermore because the babies will be accustomed to the disease from when their immune system is still developing. This leads to some controversy. The main reason that anti-vaccinators are reluctant to vaccinate their children and themselves is that they don’t want to have the disease given to their child. The truth is, the child getting the disease is almost not even a possibility. They believe that the vaccine will give the child the disease it’s trying to prevent, but believe me, it won’t. In fact, only about one in one million child, will even have symptoms of the disease. Not even the disease itself, but just minor symptoms. This isn’t even the disease at play though. If a child has symptoms of the disease, (again, one in a million chance) this is just the body's immune system’s response to the disease, not the actual disease. Some anti-vaccinators believe that natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity. I mean, people have survived thousands of years without them right? Well… If you were to be immunized naturally like the anti-vaccinators are claiming is better, there would be some considerable risks. If you were to catch measles in an attempt to immunize yourself, yes, you would have a slight immunity to the disease, but you would also have a 0.2% chance of death. That might not sound like a lot, but that’s one in five hundred people. When you could just take a vaccine that is designed to cure measles and have less than a one in a million chance of severe allergic reactions, and even then you can just go to the hospital. One of the most outrageous claims I’ve ever heard of is that they cause autism. This, is insane. The main reason people think this is because of an unverified study in 1998. This “study” showed eight people having the first symptoms of autism within a month of getting an MMR vaccine. From this very limited “study”, Andrew Wakefield concluded that MMR vaccines cause autism. This, is false. Recent studies and actual data proves otherwise. At the time, 50,000 children between the age of one and two years of age, were vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. Of these, one in two thousand showed signs of autism soon after the vaccine. This is nowhere close to the original “data”. There was no change in the autism rate since the introduction of the MMR vaccine. This proves that the signs of autism from the vaccines, are completely coincidental. There is no correlation between the MMR vaccine and autism. Overall, there are many myths and false ideas about vaccines, but the truth is, they were created to help people. Yes, there might be some things slightly wrong with them, but they’re a work in progress. Diseases are always changing and vaccines are always changing with them. This can cause some things to go slightly wrong but the vaccines were made to help people. The good from them greatly outweighs the bad. Vaccines decrease the rate of death by an insane amount and not using them is completely counterintuitive. All people should use vaccines, and that, is a fact.
If you've been to a doctor, going to school, getting your child into school, or doing almost anything, you've probably heard about vaccines. Vaccines are an amazing invention that has existed since 1796. The vaccine is measles, tetanus, hepatitis B
If you've been to a doctor, going to school, taking your child to school, or doing almost anything, you've probably heard about vaccines. Vaccines are an amazing invention that has existed since 1796. The vaccine is measles, tetanus, hepatitis B
If you've been to a doctor, going to school, taking your child to school, or doing almost anything, you've probably heard about vaccines. Vaccines are an amazing invention that has existed since 1796. The vaccine is measles, tetanus, hepatitis B
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