If you could switch lives with anyone in the world who would you pick? Well for the young Tom Canty this question becomes a reality. After a series of spectacular events the young lad switches lives with Prince Edward of England. Mark Twain the author of this story could have easily written this book as a comedy but he chooses to put many deep themes into the book. Twain show that experience and a logical mind is needed be a leader because it allows you to make decisions, judgement, and help others. A bit after Tom Canty becomes Prince Edward he is given the news that King Henry the VIII had died leaving the disguised Tom Canty as king. After some inquiry, he is told he has ultimate power after which he says, “Then Shell the kings law be law of mercy, from this day and never more be law of blood.” (64) Twain shows that Tom knew that the blood law was wrong and elected to change it to the law of mercy. Mark Twain shows that a logical mind is needed to make judgements. After the Third day of Tom Canty’s reign as King he notices a mob going by the castle. Asking to know why the mob is happening he is told that three people are to be killed for various reasons. The undercover Tom ask to interview each person individually. After taking to two of the people he hears about a lady who is being killed because she created a storm by taking off her socks. After a test, Tom says “Go thy way in peace: and if it returns to thee at any time forget me not but fetch me a storm.” (95) The disguise king realizes that the lady cannot make storms at all and is just a normal person. He knows that people cannot make storms so he knows that the woman is innocent, so he releases her. Experience allows people to help others. After Tom Canty and the real King Edward switch back to their rightful places the young king remember his journey as a pauper and the people he met. “He provided good homes for the daughters of the two Baptist women he had seen burned at the stake.” (195) Edward realizes that without their parents the children will go to an orphanage with little chance of adoption. Worse they would never receive an education and might become like some other orphans he had met on his journey. Mark Twain shows that Edward knew that the Baptist children might become like other orphans so to help them Edward provides the two children with homes. If someone want to make decisions, make judgments, and help others they must have a working mind and experience in a real functioning world. If someone were to become a leader having to direct a large group of people and have no experience or idea of what to do their organization would not do well and there would be disarray. Now when someone is leading a group project for school it’s fine to be inexperienced that’s what the project is for, it there to help them learn. But when that person is leading an entire country with millions if not billions of people who will be effected by their decisions cannot afford to be inexperienced. So if you could switch lives with anyone would it be a leader?
世界中の誰と生活を切り替えることができます誰を選びますか若いトム Canty のためによくこの質問は現実になります。壮大なイベントのシリーズの後、若者はイングランドの王子エドワードと生活を切り替えます。この小説の作者マーク ・ トウェインが簡単にコメディとして本書かれていることが、彼は多くを配置する選択深いそれら
You choose who can live with anyone in the world for young Tom Canty well this question becomes reality. After a series of spectacular events, youth turns life with England's Prince Edward. The author of this novel, Mark Twain is easy
若いトム Canty よくこの質問が現実になる世界中の誰と住むことができるを選択できます。壮大なイベントのシリーズ後、若者はイングランドのエドワード王子との生活になります。この小説の著者、マーク ・ トウェインは簡単
You can live and young Tom Canty well this question become a reality all over the world who can be selected. After a series of spectacular events, youth will be living with Prince Edward of England. The author of this novel, Mark Twain is easy
生きることができると、若いトム Canty も選択することができます世界中現実になるこの質問。壮大なイベントのシリーズの後、若者はイングランドのエドワード王子と住んでいます。この小説の著者、マーク ・ トウェインは簡単
This question allows you to select young Tom Canty also can live with all over the world become a reality. After a series of spectacular events, youth live with Prince Edward of England. The author of this novel, Mark Twain is easy
この質問では、若い Canty トムも生きることができるすべての上を選択することができます世界が現実になります。壮大なイベントのシリーズ後、若者はイングランドのエドワード王子と住んでいます。この小説の著者、マーク ・ トウェインは簡単
Allows you to select all on young Canty Tom live in this question, the world becomes reality. After a series of spectacular events, youth live with Prince Edward of England. The author of this novel, Mark Twain is easy
若いトム ・ キャンティの住むこの質問上のすべてを選択することができます世界が現実になります。壮大なイベントのシリーズ後、若者はイングランドのエドワード王子と住んでいます。この小説の著者、マーク ・ トウェインは簡単
In the real world allows you to select all of this question on the lives of the young Tom Canty. After a series of spectacular events, youth live with Prince Edward of England. The author of this novel, Mark Twain is easy
現実の世界では、若いトム Canty の生活にこの質問のすべてを選択することができます。壮大なイベントのシリーズ後、若者はイングランドのエドワード王子と住んでいます。この小説の著者、マーク ・ トウェインは簡単
To select all this question of young Tom Canty lives in the real world. After a series of spectacular events, youth live with Prince Edward of England. The author of this novel, Mark Twain is easy
すべてを選択するには、若いトム Canty のこの質問は、現実の世界に住んでいます。壮大なイベントのシリーズ後、若者はイングランドのエドワード王子と住んでいます。この小説の著者、マーク ・ トウェインは簡単
To select all to this question of the young Tom Canty, live in the real world. After a series of spectacular events, youth live with Prince Edward of England. The author of this novel, Mark Twain is easy
若いトム Canty のこの質問をすべて選択するには、現実の世界に住んでいます。壮大なイベントのシリーズ後、若者はイングランドのエドワード王子と住んでいます。この小説の著者、マーク ・ トウェインは簡単
To select all this question of young Tom Canty, live in the real world. After a series of spectacular events, youth live with Prince Edward of England. The author of this novel, Mark Twain is easy
若いトム Canty のこのすべての質問を選択するには、現実の世界に住んでいます。壮大なイベントのシリーズ後、若者はイングランドのエドワード王子と住んでいます。この小説の著者、マーク ・ トウェインは簡単
To select all the questions of the young Tom Canty lived in the real world. After a series of spectacular events, youth live with Prince Edward of England. The author of this novel, Mark Twain is easy
若いトム Canty のすべての質問を選択するには、現実の世界に住んでいた。壮大なイベントのシリーズ後、若者はイングランドのエドワード王子と住んでいます。この小説の著者、マーク ・ トウェインは簡単
To select all the questions of the young Tom Canty lived in the real world. After a series of spectacular events, youth live with Prince Edward of England. The author of this novel, Mark Twain is easy
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