If the sun’s light could reach "so-called" Mars as the photos from NASA depict, then our night skies would not be dark. If the Earth was truly spherical then when the earth would spin on its axis away from the sun, the earth's skies would still remain lit-up. Think of it in this matter, when you walk into a room lit-up by a lamp, upon facing the lamp you have the light directly before you, and if you turned your back against the lamp the light would be no longer before you but the surrounding spaces of that room would still be lit-up, same would apply for the space earth is in. Now many come-back replies will be; “there’s nothing to reflect the sun’s light between earth and Mars to light up our night skies?” But its not the reflection of anything that manages to get the sun’s light to reach us here on Earth in the first place. Use the room and lamp example again; there could be shiny reflective objects in the room, say a ninja sword, or an over & under shotgun above the fireplace but its not these objects reflections that are illuminating the surrounding space of the room, it’s the lamp (Sun). ... Planets don't EXIST, if the sun's light could reach ten's of millions of miles passed Earth reaching Mars no-body would be getting any rest at night, there would still be light, and there would be no GOD
太陽の光が届く」いわゆる火星写真として NASA から描く、私たちの夜の空が暗いできないでしょう。 地球を太陽から離れてその軸にスピンするとき、地球は、真球状、地球の空は、ライトアップがまだ残っています。部屋向きの時に、ランプが点灯に歩くときに、この問題のそれだと思う、
Solar light ", our night sky is dark as the so-called Mars photographs drawn from NASA will not be able. When the Earth away from the Sun and spins on its axis, the Earth is spherical Earth's sky is lit up still. When you walk into the lit lamp when facing room
太陽の光」、NASA から引き出されるいわゆる火星の写真はことができないとして当社の夜空は暗い。太陽と地軸の回転から地球、地球は球形地球の空はまだ点灯します。あなたが部屋に直面しているとき点灯ランプに入るとき
Light of the Sun ", and our night sky is dark and the so-called Mars pulled from NASA photos can not. From the rotation of Earth's axis and the Sun Earth, the Earth is spherical earth sky is still solid. When entering the lamp when you are facing into the room
This is a real translation party!