If the Earth was truly spherical then when the earth would spin on its axis away from the sun, the earth's skies would still remain lit-up. Think of it in this matter, when you walk into a room lit-up by a lamp, upon facing the lamp you have the light directly before you, and if you turned your back against the lamp the light would be no longer before you but the surrounding spaces of that room would still be lit-up, same would apply for the space earth is in.
地球を太陽から離れてその軸にスピンするとき、地球は、真球状、地球の空は、ライトアップがまだ残っています。だろうと思いますそれのこの問題の前に直接、光があるランプに直面している時に、ランプが点灯の部屋に歩くとき、オンにした場合ランプ光に対して背中もはや bef
Yes! You've got it man! You've got it